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This custom command adds birthday functionality to your server, wishing members all the best on their respective date.

For more information about the birthday system, see this page.


Type: Regex
Trigger: \A\-(my|start|stop|set|get|del)b(irth)?days?


Commands and usage is outlined in the birthday system overview.


Again, see the birthday system overview for instructions regarding how to configure this command.


{{/* User Variables */}}
{{$mods := cslice 748955521255473202}}
{{$channelID := 741395967638634499}} {{/* Channel ID to send the bday msgs */}}
{{$bdayMsg := "Congratulations for your birthday!"}}
{{$invertedOrder := true}}
{{$yearOptional := true}}
{{$kickUnderAge := false}}
{{$banUnderAge := false}}
{{/* End */}}

{{/* DONT TOUCH */}}
{{/* Vars */}}
{{$isMod := false}}{{$map := ""}}{{$error := ""}}{{$day := 0}}{{$month := 0}}{{$year := 0}}{{$isUnderAge := false}}{{$isValidDate := false}}{{$user := .User}}{{$checkDate := ""}}{{$insideMap := sdict}}{{$list := cslice}}{{$out := ""}}{{$send := false}}{{$userMonth := ""}}{{$today := sdict}}{{$delay := 86400}}{{$return := sdict}}
{{$prefix := index (split (print .Cmd) "") 0}}
{{$commonError := "Correct date syntax is: `dd/mm/yyyy` - Example: `20/12/1998`"}}
{{$commonErrorInverted := "Correct date syntax is: `mm/dd/yyyy` - Example: `12/20/1998`"}}
{{if $yearOptional}}
{{$commonError = joinStr "\n" $commonError "Year is optional."}}
{{$commonErrorInverted = joinStr "\n" $commonErrorInverted "Year is optional."}}
{{$synt := print "Correct usage: `" $prefix "getbday @user`"}}

{{/* Checks */}}
{{range .Member.Roles}} {{- if in $mods .}} {{- $isMod = true}} {{- end -}} {{end}}
{{if not .ExecData}}
{{if reFind `(?i)(my|set)` .Cmd}}
{{with .CmdArgs}}
{{$map = split (index . 0) "/"}}
{{if and (eq (len .) 2) $isMod}} {{with index . 1 | userArg}} {{$user = .}} {{else}} {{$error = "Invalid User."}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{with $map}}
{{if not $error}}
{{if ge (len .) 2}} {{$counter := 0}}
{{if eq (len .) 3}} {{$year = index . 2 | toInt}} {{else}} {{if $yearOptional}} {{$year = 2000}} {{else}} {{$error = "error"}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{if not $error}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$day = index . 1 | toInt}} {{$month = index . 0 | toInt}}
{{else}} {{$day = index . 0 | toInt}} {{$month = index . 1 | toInt}}
{{with $day}} {{if or (gt . 31) (lt . 1)}} {{$error = print $error "\nInvalid Day."}} {{else}} {{$counter = add $counter 1}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{with $month}} {{if or (gt . 12) (lt . 1)}} {{$error = print $error "\nInvalid Month."}} {{else}} {{$counter = add $counter 1}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{if not $year}} {{$error = print $error "\nInvalid Year."}} {{else}} {{$counter = add $counter 1}} {{end}}
{{$checkDate = newDate $year $month $day 0 0 0}}
{{if and (eq $counter 3) (eq (printf "%d" $checkDate.Month) (str $month)) (eq (printf "%d" $checkDate.Day) (str $day)) (eq (printf "%d" $checkDate.Year) (str $year))}} {{$counter = add $counter 1}}
{{else if (or (not $error) (eq $error "Invalid User."))}} {{$error = print $error "\nInvalid Date (usually day 31 on a 30 day month, or 29 of Feb in a non leap year)"}}
{{if eq $counter 4}} {{$isValidDate = true}}
{{if lt ((currentTime.Sub $checkDate).Hours | toInt) 113880}} {{$isUnderAge = true}} {{end}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$error = $commonErrorInverted}}
{{else}} {{$error = $commonError}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$error = $commonErrorInverted}}
{{else}} {{$error = $commonError}}
{{$error = print $error "\n" "Correct syntax is: `" $prefix "setbday date @user`"}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$error = $commonErrorInverted}}
{{else}} {{$error = $commonError}}
{{if $isValidDate}}
{{$userMonth = printf "%d" $checkDate.Month | toInt}}
{{with (dbGet $userMonth "bdays").Value}}
{{$insideMap = sdict .}}

{{/* Work */}}
{{if and $isUnderAge $kickUnderAge (not $banUnderAge) (not $isMod)}} {{execAdmin "kick" $user "We do not allow users under 13 in this server."}} {{end}}
{{if and $isUnderAge $banUnderAge (not $isMod)}} {{execAdmin "ban" $user "We do not allow users under 13 in this server."}} {{end}}
{{with .ExecData}}
{{if eq (printf "%T" .) "int64"}} {{scheduleUniqueCC $.CCID $channelID . "bdays" true}} {{else}} {{scheduleUniqueCC $.CCID $channelID 86400 "bdays" true}} {{end}}
{{dbDel (currentTime.Add (mult -24 $.TimeHour | toDuration)).Day "bdayannounced"}}
{{with (dbGet (printf "%d" currentTime.Month | toInt) "bdays").Value}} {{$today = sdict .}} {{end}}
{{range (index $today (str currentTime.Day))}}
{{- if getMember .}}
{{- $bdayMsg = print $bdayMsg "\n<@" . ">"}}
{{- $send = true}}
{{- end -}}
{{if and $send (not (dbGet currentTime.Day "bdayannounced"))}} {{dbSet currentTime.Day "bdayannounced" true}} {{sendMessageNoEscape nil $bdayMsg}} {{end}}
{{if $isMod}}
{{if and (reFind `(?i)set` .Cmd) $isValidDate (not $error)}}
{{if eq (len .CmdArgs) 2}}
{{with $insideMap}}
{{with index . (str $checkDate.Day)}} {{$list = $list.AppendSlice .}} {{end}}
{{if not (in $list $user.ID)}}
{{$list = $list.Append $user.ID}}
{{.Set (str $checkDate.Day) $list}}
{{$list = $list.Append $user.ID}}
{{$insideMap.Set (str $checkDate.Day) $list}}
{{with (dbGet $user.ID "bday").Value}}
{{with .UTC}}
{{if ne (print .) (print $checkDate.UTC)}}
{{dbSet $userMonth "bdays" $insideMap}}
{{$return.Set "Day" (str .Day)}} {{$return.Set "Month" (printf "%d" .Month | toInt)}} {{$return.Set "User" $user}}
{{template "handleDeletes" $return}}
{{$error = print "This is already " $user.Mention "'s birthday."}}
{{dbSet $userMonth "bdays" $insideMap}}
{{if not $error}}
{{dbSet $user.ID "bday" $checkDate.UTC}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$out = print "The bday of " $user.Mention " was set to be " ($checkDate.Format "01/02/2006")}}
{{else}} {{$out = print "The bday of " $user.Mention " was set to be " ($checkDate.Format "02/01/2006")}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$error = "Not enough arguments passed.\nCorrect usage is: `" $prefix "set 12/20/1998 @user`"}}
{{else}} {{$error = print "Not enough arguments passed.\nCorrect usage is: `" $prefix "set 20/12/1998 @user`"}}
{{else if reFind `(?i)stop` .Cmd}}
{{cancelScheduledUniqueCC .CCID "bdays"}}
{{$out = "I will no longer congratulate people on their birthday."}}
{{else if reFind `start` .Cmd}}
{{with .CmdArgs}} {{with index . 0 | toDuration}} {{$delay = add $delay .Seconds}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{if or (ne (currentTime.Add (mult 1000000000 $delay | toDuration)).Day ((currentTime.Add (mult 24 .TimeHour | toDuration)).Day)) (ge $delay 172800)}} {{$error = "Too long delay to start sending bday messages. You can only set delays up to tommorrow at 00:00 UTC"}}
{{execCC .CCID $channelID 1 $delay}}
{{$out = print "All set! Every day at **" ((currentTime.Add (mult 1000000000 $delay | toDuration)).Format "15:04 UTC") "** I will congratulate users if its their birthday."}}
{{else if reFind `(?i)get` .Cmd}}
{{with .CmdArgs}}
{{with index . 0 | userArg}}
{{$user = .}}
{{with (dbGet .ID "bday").Value}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$out = print "The bday of " $user.Mention " is " (.UTC.Format "01/02/2006")}}
{{else}} {{$out = print "The bday of " $user.Mention " is " (.UTC.Format "02/01/2006")}}
{{$error = "This user does not have a bday set."}}
{{$error = $synt}}
{{$error = $synt}}
{{if and (reFind `(?i)my` .Cmd) $isValidDate (not $out) (or (and (or $kickUnderAge $banUnderAge) (not $isUnderAge)) (and (not $kickUnderAge) (not $banUnderAge)))}}
{{if not (dbGet .User.ID "bday")}}
{{with $insideMap}}
{{with index . (str $checkDate.Day)}} {{$list = $list.AppendSlice .}} {{end}}
{{if not (in $list $user.ID)}}
{{$list = $list.Append $user.ID}}
{{.Set (str $checkDate.Day) $list}}
{{dbSet $userMonth "bdays" $insideMap}}
{{$list = $list.Append $user.ID}}
{{$insideMap.Set (str $checkDate.Day) $list}}
{{dbSet $userMonth "bdays" $insideMap}}
{{dbSet .User.ID "bday" $checkDate.UTC}}
{{if $invertedOrder}} {{$out = print "Your birthday was set to be " ($checkDate.Format "01/02/2006")}}
{{else}} {{$out = print "Your birthday was set to be " ($checkDate.Format "02/01/2006")}}
{{$error = "Your birthday has already been set."}}
{{if and (reFind `(?i)del` .Cmd)}}
{{$user := .User}} {{with .CmdArgs}} {{with index . 0 | userArg}} {{if $isMod}} {{$user = .}} {{end}} {{else}} {{$error = print $error "\nInvalid user."}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{if not $error}}
{{with (dbGet $user.ID "bday").Value}}
{{with .UTC}}
{{dbDel $user.ID "bday"}}
{{$return.Set "Day" (str .Day)}} {{$return.Set "Month" (printf "%d" .Month | toInt)}} {{$return.Set "User" $user}}
{{template "handleDeletes" $return}}
{{$out = print "Successfully deleted the birthday from " $user.String}}
{{$error = print $user.String " doesn't have a birthday set."}}

{{/* Functions */}}
{{define "handleDeletes"}}
{{$listIn := cslice}}
{{$map := sdict (dbGet .Month "bdays").Value}}
{{with $map}}
{{range index . $.Day}}
{{- if ne . $.User.ID}}
{{- $listIn = $listIn.Append .}}
{{- end -}}
{{$map.Set $.Day $listIn}}
{{dbSet $.Month "bdays" $map}}

{{/* Outs */}}
{{with $error}} {{.}} {{end}}
{{with $out}} {{.}} {{end}}


This custom command was written by @Pedro-Pessoa.