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This custom command adds birthday functionality to your server, wishing members all the best on their respective date.


  • Send a configurable message in the chat on birthdays
  • Kick or ban users younger than 13 years
  • Allow users to set their birthday date
  • Allow staff to edit/remove birthdays


As usual, there are instructions describing where to put the script and which trigger to use on the pages corresponding to the individual commands. Additionally, we've documented how and where to add this script down below.

Updating to v2

If you instead want to update to v2, because you used an older version, please click here.

Add the only command, birthday as a new custom command. The trigger is going to be a Regex type with the value \A\-(my|start|stop|set|get|del)b(irth)?days?.


Before your birthday custom command is ready to go, you still need to configure a few things. Please read carefully through their description before changing anything.

List of configurable values

  • 📌 $mods
    List of role IDs you consider moderator. Separate multiple role IDs by spaces.

  • 📌 $channelID
    The channel that birthday messages should be sent in.

  • $bdayMsg
    This variable defines the message that'll be sent on a member's birthday.

  • $invertedOrder
    Date format to use. If set to to true, YAGPDB will use the american notation mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy.

  • $yearOptional
    Whether the year is optional when configuring birthdays; set to true to enable. This will make the year default to 2000, if a member does not give a year upon configuring their birthday.

  • $kickUnderAge
    Whether to kick users younger than 13 years old; set to true to enable.

  • $banUnderAge
    Same as above, but will instead ban users younger than 13 years old

After you've configured all those variables, save again.


Your birthday system is now ready to use!



All commands can be used with bday or birthday, such as -getbday or -getbirthday.

  • mybirthday
    Syntax: mybirthday dd/mm/yyyy or mybirthday mm/dd/yyyy
    Use: Set your birthday to the given date. Note that if $invertedOrder is true, you'd have to use the latter version, as it now uses american date notation.

  • startbirthday
    Syntax: starbirthday [duration]
    Use: Start announcing birthdays at the time of executing this command. Provide an optional duration to fine-tune the timing.

  • stopbirthday
    Syntax: stopbirthday
    Use: Stops announcing birthdays immediately.

  • setbirthday
    Syntax: setbirthday <date> <user>
    Use: Set the birthday date of the mentioned user. Can only be used by users with at least one role in $mods.

  • getbirthday
    Syntax: getbirthday <user>
    Use: Get the birthday of the mentioned user.

  • delbirthday
    Syntax: delbirthday <user>
    Use: Delete the set birthday of the mentioned user. Can only be used by users with at least one role in $mods.


As the first version had some flaws, such as congratulating a member more than once, we highly recommend updating to v2. To do that, please follow the steps below.


This will erase all set birthdays. Your members will have to set them up again.

Add this script as a new custom command with any trigger you like, such as a command trigger with update. After that, just run it.

Once that is done, YAGPDB will respond with All set, you can now use V2.0.


You may now install the latest version as described above.

{{with .ExecData}}
{{if eq . "1"}}
{{range seq 0 10}}
{{dbDel . "bdays"}}
{{execCC $.CCID nil 2 "2"}}
{{else if eq . "2"}}
{{range seq 9 13}}
{{dbDel . "bdays"}}
{{execCC $.CCID nil 3 "3"}}
{{else if eq . "3"}}
Still running deletation...
{{$day := currentTime.Day}}
{{range seq (sub $day 3) (add $day 3)}}
{{dbDel . "bdayannounced"}}
{{execCC $.CCID nil 4 "4"}}
{{else if eq . "4"}}
{{$entries := dbTopEntries "bday" 9 0}}
{{if not $entries}}
All set, you can now use V2.0
{{range $entries}}
{{dbDel .UserID "bday"}}
{{if le (len $entries) 9}}
All set, you can now use V2.0
{{execCC $.CCID nil 5 "5"}}
{{$entries := dbTopEntries "bday" 9 0}}
{{if not $entries}}
All set, you can now use V2.0
{{range $entries}}
{{dbDel .UserID "bday"}}
{{execCC $.CCID nil 5 "5"}}
Please wait... deletion is in progress.
{{execCC .CCID nil 1 "1"}}


This custom command system was written by @Pedro-Pessoa.