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Deathmatch Game

This command is a replica of the deathmatch command from Yggdrasil.


Type: Command
Trigger: deathmatch


  • -deathmatch - Play against the default opponent (YAGPDB, unless you changed it in the options).
  • -deathmatch <user> - Play against the user provided.
  • -deathmatch <user0> <user1> - Make the first user play against the second user.

To prevent this command from overloading YAGPDB, no more than 5 deathmatch games can be played in a server at any time.


  • $Emojis
    A pair of emojis to use for the deathmatch messages. The default values will work fine if you aren't selfhosting.

  • $YAG
    The default opponent.

  • 📌 $Channels
    A list of channel IDs to use when executing the command loop, to reduce lag. These can be any channels in your server.


A replica of the deathmatch command from Yggdrasil.
See <> for more information.

Author: jo3-l <>

{{/* Configurable values */}}
{{$Emojis := cslice "<:battleForward:681735565594460181>" "<:battleBackwards:681735538105253901>"}}
{{$YAG := .BotUser}}

{{/* Slice of channel IDs to use when executing the command. These can be chosen randomly. */}}
{{$Channels := cslice 123 234 345}}


{{define "renderEmbed"}}
{{$player0 := index .GameData.Players 0}}
{{$player1 := index .GameData.Players 1}}
{{.Set "Out" (sdict
"title" "💢 Deathmatch"
"description" (joinStr "\n" .GameData.Msgs.StringSlice)
"color" 14232643
"fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" $player0.User.Username "value" (print $player0.HP "/100 HP") "inline" true)
(sdict "name" $player1.User.Username "value" (print $player1.HP "/100 HP") "inline" true)

{{if not .ExecData}}
{{$games := or (dbGet 0 "deathmatch_games").Value 0 | toInt}}
{{if gt $games 5}}
To prevent overloading YAGPDB, no more than 5 deathmatch games can be played in a server at any time.
{{$s := dbIncr 0 "deathmatch_games" 1}}
{{$args := parseArgs 0 "**Syntax:** `-deathmatch [player1] [player2]`"
(carg "member" "player-one")
(carg "member" "player-two")
{{$players := cslice
(sdict "User" $YAG "HP" 100)
(sdict "User" .User "HP" 100)
{{with $args.Get 0}} {{$players.Set 0 (sdict "User" .User "HP" 100)}} {{end}}
{{with $args.Get 1}} {{$players.Set 1 (sdict "User" .User "HP" 100)}} {{end}}

{{$gameData := dict
"Players" $players
"Round" 0
"Msgs" (cslice)
"ChannelID" .Channel.ID

{{template "renderEmbed" ($query := dict "GameData" $gameData)}}
{{$embed := $query.Out}}
{{$embed.Set "description" "_Match starting in 3..._"}}

{{$id := sendMessageRetID nil (cembed $embed)}}
{{$gameData.Set "MsgID" $id}}

{{$c := index $Channels (randInt (len $Channels))}}
{{execCC .CCID $c 2 $gameData}}
{{$gameData := .ExecData}}
{{$idx := mod $gameData.Round 2 | toInt}}

{{$attacker := index $gameData.Players $idx}}
{{$defender := index $gameData.Players (sub 1 $idx)}}

{{/* compute damage */}}
{{$p := randInt 100}}
{{$dmg := 0}}
{{if lt $p 5}} {{$dmg = randInt 40 50}}
{{else if lt $p 15}} {{$dmg = randInt 30 40}}
{{else if lt $p 45}} {{$dmg = randInt 20 30}}
{{else}} {{$dmg = randInt 1 20}}

{{/* clamp $dmg to defender's health so we don't get negative HP */}}
{{if gt $dmg $defender.HP}} {{$dmg = $defender.HP}} {{end}}
{{$defender.Set "HP" (sub $defender.HP $dmg)}}

{{$m := printf "%s **%s** attacked **%s**, dealing __%d__ damage!"
(index $Emojis $idx)
{{$gameData.Set "Msgs" ($gameData.Msgs.Append $m)}}

{{if eq $defender.HP 0}}
{{$wm := print "🏆 **" $attacker.User.Username "** has won!"}}
{{$gameData.Set "Msgs" ($gameData.Msgs.Append $wm)}}
{{$s := dbIncr 0 "deathmatch_games" -1}}
{{$gameData.Set "Round" (add $gameData.Round 1)}}
{{$c := index $Channels (randInt (len $Channels))}}
{{execCC .CCID $c 2 $gameData}}

{{/* update embed */}}
{{template "renderEmbed" ($query := dict "GameData" $gameData)}}
{{editMessage $gameData.ChannelID $gameData.MsgID (cembed $query.Out)}}


This custom command was written by @jo3-l.