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Main CC

This command allows administrators to manage giveaways. Supports invocation via execCC as well.

For more information about this particular version of the giveaway package, see this page.


Type: Command
Trigger: giveaway


Unless you would like everyone to be able to manage giveaways, we advise that you restrict this command to a staff role in the role restrictions.


See the giveaway package overview for more information about how to use this command.


Again, see the giveaway package overview for more information about how to configure this command.


Main giveaway command, supports invocation via execCC.
See <> for more information.

Author: Satty9361 <>

{{/* Configurable values */}}
{{$giveawayEmoji := `🎉`}}
{{/* End of configurable values */}}

{{/*Actual Code , do not touch unless you know what youre doing*/}}

{{/*Declaring global variables*/}}
{{$CCID := .CCID}}{{$syntaxError := 0}}{{$CmdArgs := ""}}{{$StrippedMsg := ""}}{{$Cmd := ""}}{{$ExecData := 0}}
{{/* if direct invoke just copy data to relevant variables */}}
{{if not .ExecData}}{{$CmdArgs = .CmdArgs}}{{$StrippedMsg = reReplace `\A\s+|(\s+\z)` .StrippedMsg ""}}{{$Cmd = .Cmd}}
{{/* if indirect invoke, check datatype of .ExecData to determine self invoke or not */}}
{{else if toInt .ExecData}}{{$ExecData = toString .ExecData}}
{{/* if external cc invoke, check if correct datatype passed and then generate $CmdArgs , $StrippedMsg etc*/}}
{{else if eq (printf "%T" .ExecData) "string"}}
{{$args := split .ExecData " "}}
{{if gt (len $args) 1}}
{{$StrippedMsg = reReplace `(\A\s+)|(\s+\z)` (joinStr " " (slice (split .ExecData " ") 1)) ""}}
{{$Cmd = index $args 0}}{{$CmdArgs = split (reReplace `\s{2,}` $StrippedMsg " ") " "}}

{{/*checking if or not invoked by itself for Giveaway Ending handling*/}}
{{if not $ExecData }}
{{if gt ( len $CmdArgs ) 0 }}
{{if or (gt (len $CmdArgs) 1) (eq (lower (index $CmdArgs 0) ) "list")}}

{{/*Command - Start*/}}
{{if eq (lower (index $CmdArgs 0) ) "start"}}

{{/*Variable declarations & assignments*/}}
{{$CmdArgs := joinStr " " (slice (split $StrippedMsg " ") 1 )}}
{{$CmdArgs = reReplace `\A\s+` $CmdArgs ""}}
{{$maxP := -1}}{{$maxW := 1}}{{$chan:= .Channel.ID}}{{$ID:= ""}}{{$dbData := sdict}}
{{$uniqueID := toInt (currentTime.Sub (newDate 2019 10 10 0 0 0)).Seconds}}

{{/*Handling flags, parsing data from input*/}}
{{with reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)((-w) (\d+)(?:\s|$))` $CmdArgs}}
{{$CmdArgs = reReplace `(?i)(-w \d+\s+)|(-w \d+$)` $CmdArgs ""}}
{{$maxW = toInt (index (index . 0) 3)}}

{{with reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)((-p) (\d+)(?:\s|$))` $CmdArgs}}
{{$CmdArgs = reReplace `(?i)(-p \d+(\s+))|(-p \d+$)` $CmdArgs ""}}
{{$maxP = toInt (index (index . 0) 3)}}

{{with reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)(-c (?:<#)?(\d+)(?:>?)(?:\s|$))` $CmdArgs}}
{{$CmdArgs = reReplace `(?i)(-c ((<#)?\d+(>?))\s+)|(-c ((<#)?\d+(>?))$)` $CmdArgs ""}}
{{$chan = index (index . 0) 2}}

{{$temp := split $CmdArgs " "}}
{{$dur:= lower (index $temp 0)}}
{{$prize := ""}}
{{if gt (len $temp) 1}}{{$prize = joinStr " " (slice $temp 1)}}{{end}}
{{$prize = reReplace `\A\s+` $prize ""}}

{{/* String to Duration */}}
{{$duration := toDuration $dur}}

{{/* if valid duration & prize */}}
{{if and ($duration) ($prize)}}

{{/*if max Participants > max Winners*/}}
{{if or (ge $maxP $maxW) (eq $maxP -1)}}

{{/*Giveaway Announcement*/}}
{{with sendMessageNoEscapeRetID $chan (cembed "title" "loading...")}}

{{/*Make giveaway sdict data Structure */}}
{{$ID = (joinStr "" $chan .) }}
{{$giveawaySdict := sdict "chan" $chan "count" 0 "listID" "" "maxWinners" $maxW "maxParticipants" $maxP "expiresAt" (currentTime.Add $duration) "prize" $prize "uID" $uniqueID}}

{{/*Send Actual Announcement Message*/}}
{{addMessageReactions $chan . $giveawayEmoji}}
{{$desc := (joinStr `` `>>> **Prize : **` $prize "\n\n") }}
{{if gt $maxW 0}}{{$desc = joinStr "" $desc "**Max Winners :** " $maxW }}{{end}}
{{if gt $maxP 0}}{{$desc = joinStr "" $desc "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀**Max Participants :** " $maxP}}{{end}}
{{$desc = joinStr "" $desc "\n\n**React with " $giveawayEmoji " to enter GiveAway **"}}
{{editMessageNoEscape $chan . (cembed "title" "🌟🌟**GiveAway Started !!**🌟🌟" "description" $desc "color" 16763170 "footer" (sdict "text" (joinStr "" "ID: " $uniqueID " | GiveAway Ends " )) "timestamp" $giveawaySdict.expiresAt) }}

{{/*Update database values ; schedule giveaway end*/}}
{{with (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active").Value}}{{$dbData = sdict .}}{{end}}
{{$dbData.Set $ID $giveawaySdict}}{{dbSet 7777 "giveaway_active" $dbData}}
{{$dbData =sdict}}{{with (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs").Value}}{{$dbData =sdict .}}{{end}}
{{$dbData.Set (toString $uniqueID) $ID}}{{dbSet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs" $dbData}}
{{scheduleUniqueCC (toInt $CCID) $chan $duration.Seconds $uniqueID $ID}}

**Invalid Channel !!**

**Error:** Max Winners cannot be more than Max Participants!!

**Error:** Invalid Duration or Prize !!

{{else if eq (lower (index $CmdArgs 0) ) "end"}}
{{$uID := index $CmdArgs 1}}
{{/*if giveaways active*/}}
{{with (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active").Value}}
{{/*if uID is valid*/}}
{{$ID := index (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs").Value $uID}}
{{with (index . (toString $ID))}}
{{/*reschedue giveaway to end instantly*/}}
{{scheduleUniqueCC (toInt $CCID) .chan 1 .uID $ID}}

**Error:** Invalid ID ``{{$uID}}``

**Error:** No Active Giveaways.

{{/* Command Cancel */}}
{{else if eq (lower (index $CmdArgs 0) ) "cancel"}}
{{$uID := index $CmdArgs 1}}{{$ID := 0}}

{{/* checking if any giveaways are active*/}}
{{with (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active").Value}}
{{$dbID := (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs").Value}} {{$ID = index $dbID $uID}}

{{/*if ID is valid*/}}
{{with (index . (toString $ID))}}
{{/* cancelling giveaway end scheduled cc , updating giveaway announcement message */}}
{{$chan := .chan}}{{$prize := .prize}}
{{cancelScheduledUniqueCC (toInt $CCID) .uID}}
{{$msg := index ( split $ID (toString $chan)) 1}}
{{with (getMessage $chan $msg )}}{{editMessageNoEscape $chan $msg (cembed "title" "🌟🌟**GiveAway Cancelled !!**🌟🌟" "description" (joinStr "" ">>> **Prize:** " $prize) "footer" (sdict "text" "Giveaway Cancelled") "color" 12257822 )}}{{end}}Done!

**Error:** Invalid ID ``{{$uID}}``

{{/* if found , updating giveaway database */}}
{{if $ID}}
{{$newdbData := sdict .}}{{$newdbData.Del $ID}}
{{dbSet 7777 "giveaway_active" $newdbData}}
{{$newdbData = sdict $dbID}}{{$newdbData.Del $uID}}
{{dbSet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs" $newdbData}}

**Error:** No Active Giveaways.

{{/* Command List */}}
{{else if eq (lower (index $CmdArgs 0) ) "list"}}

{{/* checking if giveaways active*/}}
{{with (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active").Value}}
{{$count := 0}}

{{/* Listing all active giveaway data fields*/}}
{{range $k , $v := .}}{{$count = add $count 1}}
{{$count}}) **ID:** ``{{$v.uID}}`` **Prize:** ``{{$v.prize}}``
**Ends AT:** ``{{formatTime $v.expiresAt}}``

No Active Giveaways.

{{$syntaxError = 1}} {{/*update global variable for incorrect syntax*/}}
{{$syntaxError = 1}} {{/*update global variable for incorrect syntax*/}}
{{$syntaxError = 1}} {{/*update global variable for incorrect syntax*/}}

{{/* Giveaway Ending handling */}}
{{/* Setting Variables */}}
{{$ID := $ExecData}}{{$chan := .Channel.ID}}
{{$dbData := (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active" ).Value}}

{{/* Proceed only if invoked with valid ID or active giveaways exist*/}}
{{if $dbData}}
{{with (index $dbData $ID)}}
{{$countWinners := toInt .maxWinners}} {{$count := toInt .count}}

{{/* if reaction count < max winners ; update no of winners to find */}}
{{if lt $count $countWinners}}{{$countWinners = $count}}{{end}}
{{$msg := index ( split $ID (toString $chan)) 1}}
{{$listID := .listID}}

{{/* Consider the reactions/user IDs upto max allowed number if count > maxParticipants*/}}
{{if and (gt $count .maxParticipants) (gt .maxParticipants 0)}}{{$count = .maxParticipants}}{{$listID = joinStr "," (slice (split $listID ",") 0 $count) ""}}{{end}}

{{/* computing list of winner mentions */}}
{{$winnerList := ""}}
{{range seq 0 $countWinners}}
{{$winner := index (split $listID ",") (randInt 0 $count )}}
{{$listID = reReplace (joinStr "" $winner ",") $listID ""}}{{$count = add $count -1}}
{{$winnerList = (joinStr "" $winnerList "<@" $winner "> ")}}

{{/* Update existing giveaway announce message*/}}
{{$desc := joinStr "" ">>> **Prize:** " .prize "\n\n**Winners:** " }}
{{if $countWinners }}{{$desc = joinStr "" $desc $winnerList}}{{else}}{{$desc = joinStr "" $desc "No Participants :( "}}{{end}}
{{with (getMessage $chan $msg )}}{{editMessageNoEscape $chan $msg (cembed "title" "🌟🌟**GiveAway Ended !!**🌟🌟" "description" $desc "footer" (sdict "text" "Giveaway Ended at ") "timestamp" currentTime "color" 12257822 )}}{{end}}

{{/* Announce winners */}}
{{if $countWinners}}
{{sendMessage nil (joinStr "" "**Prize:** " .prize "\n**Winner(s) :** " $winnerList)}}
**Giveaway Ended, No participants :( !!**
**Prize : {{.prize}}**

{{/* update giveaway database */}}
{{$newdbData := sdict $dbData}}{{$newdbData.Del $ID}}
{{dbSet 7777 "giveaway_active" $newdbData}}
{{$newdbData = sdict (dbGet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs").Value}}{{$newdbData.Del (toString .uID)}}
{{dbSet 7777 "giveaway_active_IDs" $newdbData}}

{{else}}`Warning:` Invoked CC : {{$CCID}} using ExecCC with invalid Giveaway ID.
{{else}}`Warning:` Invoked CC : {{$CCID}} using ExecCC with no active Giveaways.


{{/*print error message & syntax details */}}
{{if $syntaxError}}
{{sendMessage nil (joinStr "" "__**Incorrect Syntax** __ \n**Commands are :** \n```elm\n" ($Cmd) " start <Time> [Prize] \n\noptional_flags \n-p (max participants : Number) \n-w (max winners : Number)\n-c (channel : Mention/ID)\n```\n```elm\n" ($Cmd) " end <ID>```\n```elm\n" ($Cmd) " cancel <ID>```\n```elm\n" ($Cmd) " list ``` ")}}


This custom command was written by @Satty9361.