View User Info
This command views information about a user, defaulting to the triggering user.
This command is quite similar to whois
but also shows the user's role and uses their display colour. Other than that, there's not much of a difference. It's mainly here for consistency with the other informational commands.
Type: Regex
Trigger: \A(-|<@!?204255221017214977>\s*)(user|member)(-?info)?(\s+|\z)
- Views information about yourself.-user <user>
- Views information about the user provided.
Instead of user
, you can also use member
, memberinfo
, member-info
, userinfo
, or user-info
Views information about a given user / the triggering user.
See <> for more information.
Author: jo3-l <>
Maximum number of roles to show before truncating the rest.
Suppose each role contributes ~30 characters. 30 roles is then 900 characters,
relatively close to the limit of 1024 characters per field value.
{{ $member := .Member }}
{{ $user := .User }}
{{ $args := parseArgs 0 "**Syntax:** `-userinfo [user]`" (carg "member" "target") }}
{{ if $args.IsSet 0 }}
{{ $member = $args.Get 0 }}
{{ $user = $member.User }}
{{ end }}
{{ $roles := $member.Roles }}
{{ $rolesPos := cslice }}
{{ range $roles }}
{{- $role := $.Guild.GetRole . }}
{{- $rolesPos = $rolesPos.Append (sdict "role" $role "position" $role.Position) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $rolesSorted := sort $rolesPos (sdict "reverse" true "key" "position") }}
{{ $omittedCount := 0 }}
{{ if gt (len $rolesPos) $ROLE_TRUNCATION_THRESHOLD }}
{{ $omittedCount = sub (len $rolesPos) $ROLE_TRUNCATION_THRESHOLD }}
{{ $rolesSorted = slice $rolesSorted 0 $ROLE_TRUNCATION_THRESHOLD }}
{{ end }}
{{ $rolesPos = $rolesSorted }}
{{ $roleMentions := cslice }}
{{ range $rolesPos }}
{{- $roleMentions = $roleMentions.Append (printf "<@&%d>" .role.ID) -}}
{{ end }}
{{ $roleMentions = joinStr ", " $roleMentions }}
{{ if $omittedCount }}
{{ $roleMentions = printf "%s [%d roles not shown]" $roleMentions $omittedCount }}
{{ end }}
{{ $bot := "No" }}
{{ if $user.Bot }} {{ $bot = "Yes" }} {{ end }}
{{ $createdAt := snowflakeToTime $user.ID }}
{{ sendMessage nil (cembed
"author" (sdict
"name" (printf "%s (%d)" $user.String $user.ID)
"icon_url" ($user.AvatarURL "256")
"fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "❯ Created At" "value" (printf "<t:%d:F>" $createdAt.Unix))
(sdict "name" "❯ Joined At" "value" (printf "<t:%d:F>" $member.JoinedAt.Parse.Unix))
(sdict "name" "❯ Names" "value" (printf "Global: %s\nNick: %s"
(or $user.Globalname "*None set*") (or $member.Nick "*None set*")
(sdict "name" (printf "❯ Roles (%d Total)" (len $member.Roles)) "value" (or $roleMentions "*No roles*"))
(sdict "name" "❯ Bot" "value" $bot)
"color" 14232643
"thumbnail" (sdict "url" ($user.AvatarURL "256"))
) }}
This custom command was written by @jo3-l.