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A system bringing staff notes to your server.

The Problem

As it stands, there is no good way to share notes about users across server staff and the one Discord provides is heavily limited:

  • Notes can only be set on a per-user basis
  • Notes can only be 256 characters long
  • You cannot set multiple notes easily

On larger servers however, this may become an issue. This custom command aims to solve this problem. It provides every functionality a server may need, that is:

  • Server staff can set up to ten different notes on one individual user, maxing out at 500 characters each
  • Server staff can easily view notes of each user, as well as delete them when necessary
  • Server administrators can purge the entire system if need be


Type: RegEx
Trigger: \A(?:\-|<@!?204255221017214977>)\s*notes?(?: +|\z) Case-Sensitive: false


Make sure to replace - with your prefix, should it be different.


  • notes help: List all subcommands
  • notes set <user> <text>: set a note on user
  • notes get <user>: get all user's notes
  • notes del <user> <id>: delete given note on user
  • notes delall <user>: delete all notes on user
  • notes nuke: delete all ever recorded notes


Available permissions:
  • Administrator
  • ManageServer
  • ReadMessages
  • SendMessages
  • SendTTSMessages
  • ManageMessages
  • EmbedLinks
  • AttachFiles
  • ReadMessageHistory
  • MentionEveryone
  • VoiceConnect
  • VoiceSpeak
  • VoiceMuteMembers
  • VoiceDeafenMembers
  • VoiceMoveMembers
  • VoiceUseVAD
  • ManageNicknames
  • ManageRoles
  • ManageWebhooks
  • ManageEmojis
  • CreateInstantInvite
  • KickMembers
  • BanMembers
  • ManageChannels
  • AddReactions
  • ViewAuditLogs
    This permission should be the permission which all server staff have - on most servers, this is ManageMessages. If you want to lock this system behind a more exclusive permission, please view the full list under $NUKE_PERMISSION - it lists all of them.

    This variable sets the timeout when passwords for delall and nuke should expire. It is not recommended to extend this duration beyond 5 minutes and below 10 seconds. Time intervals are specified using the formatting characters y for years, mo for months, w for weeks, d for days, h for hours, and s for seconds. Do not remove the function toDuration.

    This permission is quite a dangerous one: It grants the ability to purge the entire system. Most servers consider users with ManageServer permission as an admin, hence this is the default. It is recommended to change this to a more exclusive permission rather than a common one. Adminstrator would be a fitting candidate, as it's a quite rarely given permission, ManageRoles however may not.

    This variable specifies the charset a password should be generated from. It is recommended to only add more characters rather than removing some. Please be advised that there should be always a reasonably large set available to pick from, otherwise passwords may become easy to guess. Do not separate individual characters by whitespaces, simply append them.


Copy the following code:

This custom command adds staff note functionality to your server.

See <>

Author: Luca Zeuch <>
{{$NUKE_PERMISSION := .Permissions.ManageServer}}
{{$BASE_PERMISSION := .Permissions.ManageMessages}}
{{$DELETE_TIMEOUT := toDuration "2m"}}
{{$PASSWD_CHARSET := toRune "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLiMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789@€<>(){}[]!$%&?"}}

{{if not .ExecData}}
{{$subcommand := ""}}
{{$target := userArg nil}}
{{$note := ""}}{{if ge (len .CmdArgs) 1}}
{{$subcommand = index .CmdArgs 0}}
{{end}}{{if ge (len .CmdArgs) 2}}
{{$target = (getMember (index .CmdArgs 1))}}
{{end}}{{if ge (len .CmdArgs) 3}}
{{$note = joinStr " " (slice .CmdArgs 2)}}
{{$note = reReplace `\n|\r|\r\n` $note " "}}
{{end}}{{$valid_subcommands := cslice "help" "set" "get" "del" "delall" "nuke"}}
{{$subcommands_string := joinStr "`, `" $valid_subcommands.StringSlice}}{{$prefix := index (reFindAllSubmatches `.*?: \x60(.*)\x60\z` (execAdmin "prefix")) 0 1}}{{$err := ""}}
{{$out := sdict}}{{$helper_embed := cembed "title" "Notes Help Page"
"fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "• Basic Usage" "value" (printf "Valid subcommands are:`%s`.\nIf none are given, this page is shown instead.```%snote <subcommand> (Arguments)```" $subcommands_string $prefix))
(sdict "name" "• Help" "value" (printf "Shows this text!```%snote help```" $prefix))
(sdict "name" "• Set" "value" (printf "Sets a note on a user with optional duration provided by `-duration` flag.```%snote set <User:Mention/ID> <Note:Text>```" $prefix))
(sdict "name" "• Get" "value" (printf "Gets all notes of a user.```%snote get <User:Mention/ID>```" $prefix))
(sdict "name" "• Del" "value" (printf "Deletes a given note of given user.```%snote del <User:Mention/ID> <NoteID:Whole Number>```The note ID can be obtained by running the `get` subcommand. The deleted note will be shown, in case you accidentally deleted the wrong one." $prefix))
(sdict "name" "• Delall" "value" (printf "Deletes all notes of the given user.\n:warning: **This action is irreversible.** :warning:```%snote delall <User:Mention/ID>```" $prefix))
(sdict "name" "• Nuke" "value" (printf "Deletes all notes server-wide. Useful when you wish to remove this system, or want to clean it up.\n:warning: **This action is irreversible. Don't run it \"to test\". It will work.** :warning:```%snote nuke```" $prefix))
"footer" (sdict "text" (printf "Triggered by %s" .User) "icon_url" (.User.AvatarURL "1024"))
}}{{$has_perms := hasPermissions $BASE_PERMISSION}}
{{$note_id := 1}}
{{$time_format := currentTime.Format "Mon 02 Jan 15:04"}}
{{if $has_perms}}
{{if or (inFold "help" $subcommand) (not $subcommand)}}
{{sendMessage nil $helper_embed}}
{{if or $target (inFold "nuke" $subcommand)}}
{{if not (inFold "nuke" $subcommand)}}
{{$target = $target.User}}
{{$out = sdict "footer" (sdict "text" (printf "Triggered by %s" .User) "icon_url" (.User.AvatarURL "1024")) "thumbnail" (sdict "url" ($target.AvatarURL "1024")) "color" 0x00ff00}}
{{if inFold "set" $subcommand}}
{{if le (len $note) 450}}
{{$db_old := dbGet $target.ID "notes"}}
{{if $db_old}}
{{$db_old_split := split $db_old.Value "\n"}}
{{$last_id := reFind `\A\d+\b` (index $db_old_split (sub (len $db_old_split) 1))|toInt}}
{{$note_id = add $last_id 1}}
{{if ge (len $db_old_split) 10}}
{{$err = printf "This user currently has too many notes. Delete at least one to store a new one.\nI've remembered what you wanted to save:```%s```" $note}}
{{dbSet $target.ID "notes" (printf "%s\n%d %s: %s (%s)" (or $db_old.Value "") $note_id $time_format $note .User)}}
{{if not $err}}
{{$out.Set "title" (printf "Successfully set a new note for %s" $target)}}
{{$out.Set "fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "• User:" "value" (printf "`%s` (ID `%d`)" $target $target.ID))
(sdict "name" "• Note:" "value" (printf "ID: `%d`\nText: %s (%s)" $note_id $note .User)))
{{$err = printf "This note is too long (max 450 characters). Please try to shorten it, this is not a writing club.```%s```" $note}}
{{else if inFold "get" $subcommand}}
{{$notes := (dbGet $target.ID "notes").Value}}
{{$out.Set "title" (printf "Notes for %s (ID %d)" $target $target.ID)}}
{{$out.Set "description" "None recorded."}}
{{if $notes}}
{{$out.Set "description" $notes}}
{{if gt (len $notes) 4000}}
{{$out.Set "description" (slice $notes 0 4000)}}
{{$out.Set "fields" (cslice (sdict "name" "Continued..." "value" (slice $notes 4000)))}}
{{else if inFold "del" $subcommand}}
{{if eq (len .CmdArgs) 3}}
{{$note_id = index .CmdArgs 2|toInt}}
{{$db_old := split (dbGet $target.ID "notes").Value "\n"}}
{{$db_new := ""}}
{{$old_note := ""}}
{{range $db_old}}
{{- if not (reFind (printf `\A%d\b` $note_id) .)}}
{{- $db_new = (printf "%s\n%s" $db_new .)}}
{{- else}}
{{- $old_note = slice (toString .) 19}}
{{- end -}}
{{dbSet $target.ID "notes" $db_new}}
{{$out.Set "title" (printf "Successfully delete a note for %s" $target)}}
{{$out.Set "description" (printf "Deleted note:```%s```" $old_note)}}
{{$err = "No matching combo found / invalid argument count.```-note del <User:Mention/ID> <NoteID:Whole Number>```"}}
{{else if inFold "delall" $subcommand}}
{{if eq (len .CmdArgs) 2}}
{{$passwd := ""}}
{{range seq 0 12}}
{{- $passwd = printf "%s%c" $passwd (index $PASSWD_CHARSET (randInt (len $PASSWD_CHARSET))) -}}
{{$out.Set "color" 0xffff00}}
{{$out.Set "title" "Warning!"}}
{{$out.Set "description" "You are about to delete **all** notes on that user. Did you perhaps meant to use `note del`?"}}
{{$out.Set "fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "OK. I'm aware and take responsibility." "value" (printf "Good. Run the following command **within the next %s** to confirm your choice.\n```%snote delall %d %s```" (humanizeDurationSeconds $DELETE_TIMEOUT) $prefix $target.ID $passwd))
(sdict "name" "I'd like to think about it." "value" "That is also OK. Just let it expire.")
{{dbSetExpire .User.ID (printf "notes_delall_%d" $target.ID) $passwd (toInt $DELETE_TIMEOUT.Seconds)}}
{{if $passwd := (dbGet .User.ID (printf "notes_delall_%d" $target.ID)).Value}}
{{if eq (index .CmdArgs 2) $passwd}}
{{dbDel .User.ID (printf "notes_delall_%d" $target.ID)}}
{{dbDel $target.ID "notes"}}
{{$out.Set "title" (printf "Successfully deleted all notes for %s!" $target)}}
{{$out.Set "description" (printf "I've deleted all notes on this user:\n%s (ID %d)" $target $target.ID)}}
{{$err = "Wrong password. Run the `delall` command again to generate a new one."}}
{{dbDel .User.ID (printf "notes_delall_%d" $target.ID)}}
{{else if inFold "nuke" $subcommand}}
{{if $has_perms = (in (split (index (split (exec "viewperms") "\n") 2) ", ") $NUKE_PERMISSION)}}
{{if eq (len .CmdArgs) 1}}
{{$passwd := ""}}
{{$len := len $PASSWD_CHARSET}}
{{range seq 0 12}}
{{- $passwd = printf "%s%c" $passwd (index $PASSWD_CHARSET (randInt $len)) -}}
{{$out.Set "color" 0xffff00}}
{{$out.Set "title" "Warning!"}}
{{$out.Set "description" "You are about to delete **all** notes on the server. Are you sure you want to do this? There is no going back."}}
{{$out.Set "fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "OK. I'm aware and take responsibility." "value" (printf "Good. Run the following command **within the next %s** to confirm your choice.\n```%snote nuke %s```" (humanizeDurationSeconds $DELETE_TIMEOUT) $prefix $passwd))
(sdict "name" "I'd like to think about it." "value" "That is also OK. Just let it expire.")
{{dbSetExpire .User.ID "notes_nuke" $passwd (toInt $DELETE_TIMEOUT.Seconds)}}
{{if $passwd := (dbGet .User.ID "notes_nuke").Value}}
{{if eq (index .CmdArgs 1) $passwd}}
{{dbDel .User.ID "notes_nuke"}}
{{$out.Set "title" "Started purging entire system."}}
{{$out.Set "description" "I will notify you when I'm done."}}
{{execCC .CCID nil 10 "exec"}}
{{$err = "Wrong password. Run the `nuke` command again to generate a new one."}}
{{$err = printf "You silly, twisted boy, you. (Missing permissions)"}}
{{$err = printf "`%s` is not a valid subcommand!\nValid subcommands are: `%s`.\nRun `%snotes help` for more information." $subcommand $subcommands_string $prefix}}
{{$err = "Member not found."}}
{{$err = printf "Just what do you think you're doing Dave? (Missing permissions)" }}
{{end}}{{if $err}}
{{$err = cembed "description" $err "author" (sdict "name" "An Error Occurred:") "color" 0xff0000
"footer" (sdict "text" (printf "Triggered by: %s" .User) "icon_url" (.User.AvatarURL "1024"))
{{sendMessage nil $err}}
{{if and $out (not $err)}}
{{sendMessage nil (cembed $out)}}
{{$count := dbCount "notes"}}
{{if gt $count 0}}
{{if ge $count 100}}
{{$dump := dbDelMultiple (sdict "pattern" "notes") 100 0}}
{{execCC .CCID nil 10 "exec"}}
{{$dump := dbDelMultiple (sdict "pattern" "notes") $count 0}}
{{execCC .CCID nil 10 "exec"}}
{{sendMessage nil (cembed "title" "Successfully purged entire system.")}}


Q: The command is not saving and it errors with "response too long".

Answer: Make sure to use the code provided in notes_minified.go.tmpl. The code provided in the other file is only there to show the command in a readable, formatted manner.

Q: The full reset is taking rather long.

Answer: This may have any of the following reasons.

  1. You have accumulated a quite large amount of entries in your server, which obviously will take a while to clear.
  2. The delay imposed by execCC is set to 10 seconds to prevent hitting the limit of 10 executions per minute, per channel.
  3. The command is always performing one final pass over your database, to ensure the system really is gone.


This custom command was authored by @l-zeuch


This system implements makeshift sdicts purely with string manipulation used for storage -- it isn't the most efficient, but was a quite nice exercise back then. This system should serve as a useful thing to server staff as well as an opportunity to learn :^)