Main CC
Main suggestion command; allows users to create/update/delete suggestions in addition to allowing admins to manage suggestions.
For more information about the suggestion system, see this page.
Type: Regex
Trigger: \A(\-\s?|<@!?204255221017214977>\s*)((del(ete)?|edit)?suggest(ion)?|(sa|suggestadmin)\s+((?:mark)?dupe|deny|implement(ed)?|archive|approved?|comment))(\s+|\z)
See the suggestion system overview for more information about how to use this command.
Again, see the suggestion package overview for more information about how to configure this command.
Main command for the suggestion system.
See <> for more information.
Author: Satty9361 <>
{{/* Configurable values */}}
{{$Mod_Roles := cslice }}
{{/* End of configurable values */}}
{{$globalDict:=dict "chans" (dict $Suggestion_Channel true $Approved_Channel true $Implemented_Channel true) "msg" .nil}}
{{$Escaped_Prefix:=reQuoteMeta .ServerPrefix}}
{{if hasPermissions .Permissions.Administrator}}{{$IS_Mod =true}}{{else}}{{range $Mod_Roles}}{{if in $.Member.Roles .}}{{$IS_Mod =true}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{if not (reFind (print `\A` $Escaped_Prefix `|` .BotUser.Mention) .Message.Content)}}{{$error ="Did not set regex to match Server Prefix"}}{{$Syntax =`Prefix/Yag Mention <Command> <Args>`}}{{else}}
{{if reFind `(?i)\bsuggest(ion)?\b` .Cmd}}
{{$Syntax =print .Cmd " <Suggestion_Here>"}}
{{$col:=16777215}}{{$pos:=0}}{{$r:=.Member.Roles}}{{range .Guild.Roles}}{{if and (in $r .ID) (.Color) (lt $pos .Position)}}{{$pos =.Position}}{{$col =.Color}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{if or .StrippedMsg .Message.Attachments}}
{{with (dbGet .User.ID "suggestCld")}}
{{$error =print "This command is on cooldown for " (humanizeDurationSeconds (.ExpiresAt.Sub currentTime)) " to avoid spam."}}
{{if not $IS_Mod}}{{if $Cooldown}}{{dbSetExpire .User.ID "suggestCld" "cooldown" $Cooldown}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{$embed := sdict
"title" (print "Suggestion #" (dbIncr 0 "suggestions-count" 1))
"description" .StrippedMsg
"color" $col
"author" (sdict "name" (str $.User) "icon_url" ($.User.AvatarURL "512"))
"timestamp" currentTime
"footer" (sdict "text" (print "Author ID - " $.User.ID))
{{range .Message.Attachments}}{{if and (not $Img_Set) .Width}}{{$Img_Set =true}}{{$embed.Set "image" (sdict "url" .ProxyURL)}}{{else}}{{$Attachments =print $Attachments "\n[" .Filename "](" .ProxyURL ")"}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{if $Attachments}}{{$embed.Set "description" (print $embed.description "\n\n**__Attachments:__**" $Attachments)}}{{end}}
{{$ID:=sendMessageRetID $Suggestion_Channel (cembed $embed)}}
{{addMessageReactions $Suggestion_Channel $ID $Upvote $Downvote}}
{{sendDM "Suggestion submitted successfully. If you want to delete your suggestion, do so with `" .ServerPrefix "deletesuggestion " $ID "` on the " $.Guild.Name " server."}}
{{addReactions $Upvote}}
{{$error ="Insufficient Arguments."}}
{{$Syntax =print .Cmd " <Suggestion_ID> <Message/Arguments>"}}
{{with reFindAllSubmatches (print `(?si)\A(?:` $Escaped_Prefix `\s?|\S+\s*)(?:(del|edit)\w+|\w+\s+(\w+))\s+(\d+)\s*(.*)`) .Message.Content}}
{{$command =lower (or (index . 0 1) (index . 0 2))}}
{{$mID:=index . 0 3}}
{{$rest =index . 0 4}}
{{$globalDict.Set "mID" $mID}}
{{template "process-suggest-msg" $globalDict}}
{{$message =$globalDict.msg}}{{$channel =$globalDict.chan}}{{$error =$globalDict.err}}{{$type =$globalDict.type}}{{$SNum =$globalDict.SNum}}{{$authorID =$globalDict.authorID}}
{{$error ="Invalid Syntax: did not provide valid Message ID"}}
{{if and (ne $command "comment") (not $error)}}
{{if eq $type "Implemented"}}
{{$error =print "Cannot use " $command " command on Implemented Suggestions"}}
{{else if and (eq $type "Approved") (eq $command "del" "edit" "approve" "approved")}}
{{$error =print "Cannot use " $command " command on Approved Suggestions"}}
{{if not $error}}
{{$embed:=structToSdict (index $message.Embeds 0)}}{{range $k,$v:=$embed}}{{if eq (kindOf $v true) `struct`}}{{$embed.Set $k (structToSdict $v)}}{{end}}{{end}}{{$embed.Author.Set "Icon_URL" $embed.Author.IconURL}}
{{if eq $command "del"}}
{{if or (eq $authorID .User.ID) $IS_Mod}}
{{deleteMessage $channel $message.ID 0}}
{{$error ="You can only delete your own suggestions. Ensure that you have used correct Suggestion ID."}}
{{else if eq $command "edit"}}
{{if eq $authorID .User.ID}}
{{if $rest}}
{{$embed.Set "Description" $rest}}
{{editMessage $channel $message.ID (cembed $embed)}}
{{$error ="Edited Suggestion cannot be blank"}}
{{$error ="You can only edit your own suggestions. Ensure that you have used correct Suggestion ID."}}
{{else if $IS_Mod}}
{{if ne $command "comment"}}
{{if eq $command "dupe" "markdupe"}}
{{$command ="Dupe"}}
{{else if eq $command "deny"}}
{{$command ="Denied"}}
{{else if eq $command "approve" "approved"}}
{{$command ="Approved"}}{{$send_chan =$Approved_Channel}}
{{$command ="Implemented"}}{{$send_chan =$Implemented_Channel}}
{{$embed.Set "Title" (print $command " Suggestion #" $SNum)}}
{{if eq $command "Dupe"}}
{{$Syntax ="<Suggestion_ID> <Original_Suggestion_ID>"}}
{{with $rest}}
{{$globalDict.Set "mID" .}}{{$globalDict.Set "msg" $.nil}}
{{template "process-suggest-msg" $globalDict}}
{{if not $globalDict.err}}
{{if lt $globalDict.SNum $SNum}}
{{if $globalDict.msg}}
{{$embed.Set "Description" (print $embed.Description "\n\n**This message has been marked as a dupe of:\n**" $.Guild.ID "/" $globalDict.chan "/" .)}}
{{deleteMessage $channel $message.ID 0}}
{{sendMessage $send_chan (complexMessage "content" (print "<@" $authorID "> | The suggestion below has been marked as Dupe!") "embed" $embed)}}
{{$error =print "Invalid Original Suggestion Message ID : `" $rest "`"}}
{{$error ="Original Suggestion should be older than dupe Suggestion"}}
{{$error =print "Original Suggestion: " $globalDict.err}}
{{$error ="Did not provide valid ID for Original Suggestion Message"}}
{{else if eq $command "Denied"}}
{{deleteMessage $channel $message.ID 0}}
{{sendMessage $send_chan (complexMessage "content" (print "<@" $authorID "> | The suggestion below has been Denied for reason: " $rest) "embed" $embed)}}
{{else if eq $command "comment"}}
{{template "handle-comments" (sdict "embed" $embed "comment" $rest "user" $.User)}}
{{editMessage $channel $message.ID (cembed $embed)}}
{{template "handle-comments" (sdict "embed" $embed "comment" $rest "user" $.User)}}
{{$embed.Footer.Set "Text" (print $command " By : " .User.Username " - " .User.ID " ● " $embed.Footer.Text)}}
{{deleteMessage $channel $message.ID 0}}
{{if ne $send_chan $Logging_Channel}}{{sendMessage $send_chan (cembed $embed)}}{{end}}
{{sendMessage $Logging_Channel (complexMessage "content" (print print "<@" $authorID "> | The suggestion below has been " $command) "embed" $embed)}}
{{$error ="Must be a Mod/Admin to use Suggest Admin commands"}}
{{if not (or $Attachments $Img_Set)}}{{deleteTrigger 20}}{{end}}{{deleteResponse 5}}
{{if $error}}
{{$ID:=sendMessageRetID nil (cembed "title" "Error" "color" 0xFF0000 "description" (print "**Error:** " $error "\n\n**Syntax:** `" $Syntax "`"))}}
{{deleteMessage nil $ID 25}}
Done :+1:
{{define "handle-comments"}}
{{if and (not .embed.Fields) .comment}}{{.embed.Set "Description" (print .embed.Description "\n\n**__Comment:__**")}}{{else if not .comment}}{{.embed.Set "Description" (reReplace `\n\n\*\*__Comment:__\*\*\z` .embed.Description "")}}{{end}}
{{if .comment}}{{.embed.Set "Fields" (cslice (sdict "name" (print "BY : " .user " - " .user.ID) "value" .comment))}}{{else}}{{.embed.Set "Fields" cslice}}{{end}}
{{define "process-suggest-msg"}}
{{range $k,$v:=.chans}}
{{if not $.msg}}{{with getMessage $k $.mID}}{{$.Set "msg" .}}{{$.Set "chan" $k}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{with .msg}}
{{with .Embeds}}
{{with (index . 0).Footer}}
{{with reFindAllSubmatches `(?s).*Author ID - (\d{17,19})\z` .Text}}
{{$.Set "authorID" (toInt64 (index . 0 1))}}
{{$err ="Not a valid Suggestion Message"}}
{{$err ="Not a valid Suggestion Message"}}
{{with reFindAllSubmatches `\A(?:(Suggestion)|(Approved) Suggestion|(Implemented) Suggestion) #(\d+)\z` (index . 0).Title}}
{{$.Set "type" (or (index . 0 1) (index . 0 2) (index . 0 3))}}
{{$.Set "SNum" (toInt (index . 0 4))}}
{{$err ="Not a valid Suggestion Message"}}
{{$err ="Not a valid Suggestion Message"}}
{{$err =print "Invalid Message ID : `" $.mID "`"}}
{{.Set "err" $err}}
This custom command was written by @Satty9361.