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Start New Game

This command starts a new CAH game using the specified packs and pack groups. It first checks whether each argument is a valid pack group and, if so, expands it into its component packs. If not, that argment is assumed to be an individual pack and is skipped. After expanding all applicable pack groups, the resulting list of packs is used to start a new game, and all members with the CAH role are pinged.

For more information about the CAH card pack system, see this page.


Type: Command
Trigger: newgame


  • -newgame <packOrPackGroups...> - Starts a new CAH game using the specified packs and pack groups.
  • -newgame - Starts a new CAH game using the default list of packs.


-newgame 40-blanks family-friendly packGroup1 "pack group 2"

Starts a new CAH game using the built-in packs 40-blanks and family-friendly in addition to the CAH pack groups packGroup1 and pack group 2, assumed to have been configured beforehand using -setgroup.


There's no specific order that you have to put the pack/pack groups in: the above example would have worked with -newgame family-friendly packGroup1 40-blanks "pack group 2" as well.


  • $packs
    Default list of packs to use if no arguments were provided. For example, setting this value to "40-blanks family-friendly" would use the packs 40-blanks and family-friendly by default.

  • 📌 $CAHrole
    The ID of the CAH role, which will be pinged when a new game is started.


Starts a new CAH game using the specified packs and pack groups.
See <> for more information.

Author: LRitzdorf <>

{{/* Configurable values */}}
{{ $packs := "*" }}
{{ $CAHrole := 123456789 }}
{{/* End of configurable values */}}

{{ if gt (len .CmdArgs) 0 }}
{{ $star := false }}
{{ $reqst := cslice }}
{{ range .CmdArgs }}
{{- $dbResult := dbGet 0 (joinStr "" "group " .) }}
{{- if $dbResult }}
{{- $reqst = $reqst.Append $dbResult.Value }}
{{- else }}
{{- $reqst = $reqst.Append . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ $packs = "" }}
{{ range $reqst }}
{{- if (eq . "*") }}
{{- $star = true }}
{{- else }}
{{- if eq (len (reFindAll (joinStr "" "(" . ")") $packs)) 0 }}
{{- $packs = joinStr " " $packs . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ if $star }}
{{ $packs = "*" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $resp := exec "cah create" $packs }}
{{ if eq (len (reFind "Unknown pack" $resp)) 0 }}
{{.User.Mention}} has summoned all the{{mentionRoleID $CAHrole}}s to a new game!
We'll be using the following pack(s): `{{$packs}}`.
{{ end }}
{{ $resp }}


This custom command was written by @LRitzdorf.