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Start Game

This command starts the connect-four game.

For more information about the connect-four game, see this page.


Type: Regex
Trigger: \A(?:\-|<@!?204255221017214977>)\s*(?:c(?:on(?:nect)?)?4)(?: +|\z)

Custom prefixes

By default, this regex uses the - prefix for commands. If you have a different prefix, change the - to your own prefix. For example, if you wanted to use ! as the prefix, you would use:

\A(?:\!|<@!?204255221017214977>)\s*(?:c(?:on(?:nect)?)?4)(?: +|\z)


  • -connect4 <user> - Starts a connect-four game with the given user.
  • -connect4 - Starts a connect-four game against yourself.

Instead of using -connect4, you can also use -con4 or -c4.


Starts the connect-4 game.
See <> for more information.

Author: zen | ゼン (

{{/* Grid Create */}}
{{define "board_maker"}}
{{- $board := cslice }}{{- $out := "" -}}
{{- range seq 0 6 }} {{/* 6 rows */}}
{{- $columns := cslice }}
{{- $rows := "" }}
{{- range seq 0 7 }}{{/* 7 columns */}}
{{- $columns = $columns.Append 0}}
{{- $rows = print $rows "⚫ "}}
{{- end}}
{{- $board = $board.Append $columns}}
{{- $out = print $rows "\n" $out -}}
{{- end}}
{{- $out := print $out "1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣"}}
{{- $embed := sdict "title" "Connect4" "description" $out "color" 0x0045e6 "footer" (sdict "text" "Powered by •")}}
{{- .Set "board" $board}}
{{- .Set "embed" $embed}}
{{ end}}

{{ $help := cembed "title" "Connect4/con4/c4 Help" "description" "> **How To Play**\n> • Each player will be given separate color tokens (🔴 or 🟡)\n> • The first person to make a four-in-a-row will __win__\n> • If all slots are filled with no winner determined, the game will result in a __draw__\n\n\n> **Commands**\n> `-connect4 <User:Mention>`\n> **↳** sends a challenge to a person\n> `-connnect4 <confirm/deny:Text>`\n> **↳** accepts or decline an incoming challenge\n\n> To Drop A Token\n> **↳** React to the number emojis\n> To Quit\n> **↳** React to the <a:r_leave:844556617085485058> emoji." "color" 0xbdf2f0 "thumbnail" (sdict "url" "")}}
{{ $errorMsg := ""}}{{ $data := sdict}}{{ $reply := false}}
{{ $p1 := ""}}{{ $p2 := ""}}

{{/* Setting limits */}}
{{ if dbGet 2021 "connect4"}}
{{ $errorMsg = "Another game is still ongoing. Please wait for it to finish\n> To quit, react to the <a:r_leave:844556617085485058>"}}
{{ else if $db := dbGet 2021 "c4cooldown"}}
{{ $data = $db.Value}}
{{ $p1 = ($data.p1|getMember).User}}
{{ $p2 = ($data.p2|getMember).User}}
{{ if and (eq $p1.ID .User.ID) .Message.Mentions }} {{/* If the user sent a challenge to someone already*/}}
{{ $errorMsg = print "You already have an ongoing challenge. Try again in " ($db.ExpiresAt.Sub currentTime|humanizeDurationSeconds) "."}}
{{ else if eq $p2.ID .User.ID}}
{{ $reply = true }}
{{ end }}

{{/* Processing Input */}}
{{ with .StrippedMsg }}
{{ if eq (.|lower) "help"}}
{{$errorMsg = ""}}
{{sendMessage nil $help}}
{{ else if $reply }}
{{ if not $errorMsg }}
{{ dbDel 2021 "c4cooldown" }}
{{ if reFind `(?i)(?:confirm|accept)` . }}
{{ $temp := sdict}}
{{ template "board_maker" $temp}}
{{ $temp.embed.Set "author" (sdict "name" (print $p1.Username "'s turn") "icon_url" ($p1.AvatarURL "256"))}}
{{ $temp.embed.Set "fields" (cslice (sdict "name" "Player 1" "value" (print "> " $p1.Mention) "inline" true)
(sdict "name" "Player 2" "value" $p2.Mention "inline" true))}}
{{ $msgID := sendMessageRetID nil (complexMessage "content" (print "> A connect4 game has been started\n🔴┃" $p1.Mention ", Please pick a slot") "embed" $temp.embed)}}
{{ addMessageReactions nil $msgID "1️⃣" "2️⃣" "3️⃣" "4️⃣" "5️⃣" "6️⃣" "7️⃣" "a:r_leave:844556617085485058"}}
{{ dbSet 2021 "connect4" (sdict "players" (cslice "offset" $data.p1 $data.p2) "turn" 1 "board" $temp.board "msgID" $msgID "time" currentTime)}}
{{ else if reFind `(?i)(?:deny|refuse|decline)` . }}
{{ sendMessage nil (print $p1.Mention ", your challenge has been declined.")}}
{{ else }}
{{ sendMessage nil "Unknown Response. Challenge has been cancelled"}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ with reFind `\d{17,19}` .}}
{{ if not $errorMsg }}
{{ $p2 := .|toInt64|userArg}}
{{ if $p2 }}
{{ dbSetExpire 2021 "c4cooldown" (sdict "p1" $.User.ID "p2" $p2.ID) 15}}
{{ sendMessage nil (printf "%s, %s has challenged you to a connect4 match! (15s)\nReply with `-connect4 (accept/deny)`" $p2.Mention $.User.Mention)}}
{{ else }}
{{ $errorMsg = "Error: Invalid User" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $errorMsg = "Unknown Arguments\nType `-connect4 help` for more info" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $errorMsg = "" }}
{{ sendMessage nil $help }}
{{ end }}

{{ with $errorMsg}}{{ sendMessage nil . }}{{ end }}


This custom command was written by zen | ゼン.