Edit Message
This command is a tool for editing messages sent by YAGPDB, with embed support.
Type: Command
Trigger: edit
-edit [channel] <msg> <flags...>
- Edits the message provided.
The usage of this command is very similar to that of the SimpleEmbed
built-in command. You specify a channel (defaulting to the current channel), a message, and some flags to specify which fields to edit.
Available Flags
Flags to edit message
Flag | Description | Example |
-content <content> | Sets the content of the message | -content hello world |
-title <title> | Sets the title of the embed in the message | -title new title |
-desc <desc> | Sets the description of the embed in the message | -desc my desc |
-image <url> | Sets the image URL of the embed in the message | -image https://i.imgur.com/vfbFEif.jpeg |
-thumbnail <url> | Sets the thumbnail URL of the embed in the message | -thumbnail https://i.imgur.com/vfbFEif.jpeg |
-url <url> | Sets the URL of the embed in the message | -url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 |
-author <name> | Sets the author name of the embed in the message | -author foo |
-authoricon <url> | Sets the author icon of the embed in the message | -authoricon https://i.imgur.com/vfbFEif.jpeg |
-footer <text> | Sets the footer text of the embed in the message | -footer bar baz |
-footericon <url> | Sets the footer icon URL of the embed in the message | -footericon https://i.imgur.com/vfbFEif.jpeg |
-color <hex> | Sets the color of the embed in the message | -color FF0000 |
Flags to modify edit behaviour
- Completely overwrites the existing message. By default, the changes are merged into the existing message - for example,-edit 123 -color FF0000
would just edit the color and keep the embed. However, by supplying the-force
flag,-edit 123 -color FF0000 -force
would remove any other parts of the embed, keeping only the new color.-clrembed
- Removes the embed from a message previously containing an embed, such that it only contains the content.
To edit embed
-edit #channel 123 -title My new title -url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
Would edit the message with ID 123
in channel #channel
to have embed title My new title
and set the embed URL to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
To completely overwrite
-edit 123 -title foo -desc bar -force
Would edit the message with ID 123
in current channel to have embed title foo
and description bar
, removing any other parts of the embed or message content.
Edits messages sent by YAGPDB. Supports embeds.
See <https://yagpdb-cc.github.io/utilities/edit> for more information.
Author: Satty9361 <https://github.com/Satty9361>
{{$helpMsg := sdict
"title" "`-edit [channel] <msg> <new-content>`"
"color" 14232643
"description" "Please provide a valid message (which was sent by YAGPDB).\n\nIf the message is an embed, you can use the syntax from the `-se` command to edit it: `-edit [channel] <msg> -title \"Hello world\" -desc \"Foobar\"`."
{{$error := ""}}
{{$flags := sdict "-title" "Title" "-desc" "Description" "-url" "URL" "-image" "Image" "-thumbnail" "Thumbnail" "-author" "Author" "-authoricon" "Author" "-authorurl" "Author" "-footer" "Footer" "-footericon" "Footer" "-color" "Color" "-content" "Content" "-force" "Force" "-clrembed" "Clear"}}
{{$subField := sdict "-image" "URL" "-thumbnail" "URL" "-author" "Name" "-authoricon" "IconURL" "-authorurl" "URL" "-footer" "Text" "-footericon" "IconURL"}}
{{$channel := .Channel}}
{{$multipliers := cslice 1048576 65536 4096 256 16 1}}
{{$hex2dec := sdict "A" 10 "B" 11 "C" 12 "D" 13 "E" 14 "F" 15}}
{{$args := cslice}}
{{$id := ""}}
{{if .CmdArgs}}
{{$channelID := ""}}
{{with reFindAllSubmatches `<#(\d+)>` (index .CmdArgs 0)}}{{$channelID = index . 0 1}}{{end}}
{{$temp := getChannelOrThread (or $channelID (index .CmdArgs 0))}}
{{if $temp}}
{{if lt (len .CmdArgs) 3}}
{{$error = "Insufficient number of Args"}}
{{$channel = $temp}}
{{$id = toInt64 (index .CmdArgs 1)}}
{{$args = slice .CmdArgs 2}}
{{else if (ge (len .CmdArgs) 2)}}
{{$id = toInt64 (index .CmdArgs 0)}}
{{$args = slice .CmdArgs 1}}
{{$error = "Insufficient number of Args"}}
{{$content := ""}}{{$embed := sdict}}{{$Oembed := sdict}}{{$embedPresent := false}}{{$clear := false}}
{{if not $error}}
{{ $msg := getMessage $channel.ID $id}}
{{with $msg}}
{{if eq .Author.ID $.BotUser.ID}}
{{$content = .Content}}
{{if .Embeds}}{{$embed = structToSdict (index .Embeds 0)}}
{{range $k, $v := $embed}}{{if eq (kindOf $v true) "struct"}}{{$embed.Set $k (structToSdict $v)}}{{end}}{{end}}{{$embedPresent = true}}
{{$error = print $.BotUser.Mention " is not Author"}}
{{$error = "Unknown Message"}}
{{if not $error}}
{{$parseFlag := 2}}{{$currentFlag := ""}}{{$currentField := ""}}{{$skip := 0}}
{{range $args}}
{{- if and (not $error) (gt $parseFlag 1)}}
{{- if ($f := $flags.Get (lower .))}}
{{- if eq $f "Force"}}
{{- $embed = sdict}}{{range $k,$v :=$Oembed}}{{$embed.Set $k $v}}{{end}}{{$Oembed = sdict}}{{$parseFlag = 1}}{{$currentFlag = ""}}{{$skip = 1}}
{{- else if eq $f "Clear"}}
{{- $embed = $.nil}}{{$parseFlag = 1}}{{$clear = true}}{{$currentFlag = ""}}{{$skip = 1}}
{{- else if and $clear (ne $f "Content")}}
{{- $error = print "Parsing Error: Invalid flag: " . ". Attempting to Both Clear and Edit Embed"}}
{{- else}}
{{- $currentFlag = $f}}{{$parseFlag = 0}}{{$currentField = $subField.Get (lower .)}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if and (not $error) $parseFlag (not $skip)}}
{{- if $currentFlag}}
{{- if in (cslice "Description" "Title" "URL") $currentFlag}}
{{- if eq $parseFlag 1}}{{$embed.Set $currentFlag ""}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag ""}}{{end}}
{{- $embed.Set $currentFlag (joinStr " " ($embed.Get $currentFlag) .)}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag (joinStr " " ($Oembed.Get $currentFlag) .)}}{{$embedPresent = true}}
{{- else if eq $currentFlag "Color"}}
{{- if eq $parseFlag 1}}
{{- $regex := `\A(?:#?([a-fA-F\d]{1,6}))\z`}}
{{- with reFindAllSubmatches $regex .}}
{{- $hex := printf "%06s" (index . 0 1) | upper}}
{{- $dec := 0}}
{{- range $k, $v := split $hex ""}}
{{- $multiplier := index $multipliers $k}}
{{- $num := or ($hex2dec.Get $v) $v }}
{{- $dec = add $dec (mult $num $multiplier)}}
{{- end}}
{{- $embed.Set $currentFlag $dec}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag $dec}}
{{- else}}
{{- $error = "Parsing Error: color was not in correct format (use hex)" }}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}
{{- $error = "Parse Error: too many arguments to Color"}}
{{- end}}
{{- $embedPresent = true}}
{{- else if eq $currentFlag "Content"}}{{if eq $parseFlag 1}}{{$content = ""}}{{end}}{{$content = joinStr " " $content .}}
{{- else}}
{{- if eq $parseFlag 1}}
{{- $tmp :=or ($embed.Get $currentFlag) sdict}}{{$tmpO :=or ($Oembed.Get $currentFlag) sdict}}
{{- $tmp.Set $currentField ""}}{{$tmpO.Set $currentField ""}}
{{- $embed.Set $currentFlag $tmp}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag $tmpO}}{{$embedPresent = true}}
{{- end}}
{{- $cFlag := $embed.Get $currentFlag}}{{$cFlagO := $Oembed.Get $currentFlag}}
{{- $cFlag.Set $currentField (joinStr " " ($cFlag.Get $currentField) .)}}{{$cFlagO.Set $currentField (joinStr " " ($cFlagO.Get $currentField) .)}}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}
{{- $error = (print "Parsing Error: Invalid flag: " . )}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- $parseFlag = add $parseFlag 1}}{{$skip = 0}}
{{- end}}
{{if $embed}}
{{if $embed.Author}}{{$embed.Author.Set "Icon_URL" $embed.Author.IconURL}}{{end}}
{{if $embed.Footer}}{{$embed.Footer.Set "Icon_URL" $embed.Footer.IconURL}}{{end}}
{{if (not $embedPresent)}}{{$embed = $.nil}}{{end}}
{{if not $error}}
{{if or $content (ne (print $embed) "<nil>")}}
{{editMessage $channel.ID $id (complexMessageEdit "content" $content "embed" $embed)}}
Done :+1:
{{$error = "Content and embed cannot be null at the same time."}}
{{if $error}}
{{$helpMsg.Set "description" (print "**Error** - `" $error "`\n" ($helpMsg.Get "description"))}}
{{sendMessage nil (cembed $helpMsg)}}
{{deleteResponse 5}}
This custom command was written by @Satty9361.