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Edit Message

This command is a tool for editing messages sent by YAGPDB, with embed support.


Type: Command
Trigger: edit


-edit [channel] <msg> <flags...> - Edits the message provided.

The usage of this command is very similar to that of the SimpleEmbed built-in command. You specify a channel (defaulting to the current channel), a message, and some flags to specify which fields to edit.

Available Flags

Flags to edit message

-content <content>Sets the content of the message-content hello world
-title <title>Sets the title of the embed in the message-title new title
-desc <desc>Sets the description of the embed in the message-desc my desc
-image <url>Sets the image URL of the embed in the message-image
-thumbnail <url>Sets the thumbnail URL of the embed in the message-thumbnail
-url <url>Sets the URL of the embed in the message-url
-author <name>Sets the author name of the embed in the message-author foo
-authoricon <url>Sets the author icon of the embed in the message-authoricon
-footer <text>Sets the footer text of the embed in the message-footer bar baz
-footericon <url>Sets the footer icon URL of the embed in the message-footericon
-color <hex>Sets the color of the embed in the message-color FF0000

Flags to modify edit behaviour

  • -force - Completely overwrites the existing message. By default, the changes are merged into the existing message - for example, -edit 123 -color FF0000 would just edit the color and keep the embed. However, by supplying the -force flag, -edit 123 -color FF0000 -force would remove any other parts of the embed, keeping only the new color.

  • -clrembed - Removes the embed from a message previously containing an embed, such that it only contains the content.


To edit embed

-edit #channel 123 -title My new title -url

Would edit the message with ID 123 in channel #channel to have embed title My new title and set the embed URL to

To completely overwrite

-edit 123 -title foo -desc bar -force

Would edit the message with ID 123 in current channel to have embed title foo and description bar, removing any other parts of the embed or message content.


Edits messages sent by YAGPDB. Supports embeds.
See <> for more information.

Author: Satty9361 <>

{{$helpMsg := sdict
"title" "`-edit [channel] <msg> <new-content>`"
"color" 14232643
"description" "Please provide a valid message (which was sent by YAGPDB).\n\nIf the message is an embed, you can use the syntax from the `-se` command to edit it: `-edit [channel] <msg> -title \"Hello world\" -desc \"Foobar\"`."
{{$error := ""}}

{{$flags := sdict "-title" "Title" "-desc" "Description" "-url" "URL" "-image" "Image" "-thumbnail" "Thumbnail" "-author" "Author" "-authoricon" "Author" "-authorurl" "Author" "-footer" "Footer" "-footericon" "Footer" "-color" "Color" "-content" "Content" "-force" "Force" "-clrembed" "Clear"}}
{{$subField := sdict "-image" "URL" "-thumbnail" "URL" "-author" "Name" "-authoricon" "IconURL" "-authorurl" "URL" "-footer" "Text" "-footericon" "IconURL"}}
{{$channel := .Channel}}
{{$multipliers := cslice 1048576 65536 4096 256 16 1}}
{{$hex2dec := sdict "A" 10 "B" 11 "C" 12 "D" 13 "E" 14 "F" 15}}
{{$args := cslice}}
{{$id := ""}}

{{if .CmdArgs}}
{{$channelID := ""}}
{{with reFindAllSubmatches `<#(\d+)>` (index .CmdArgs 0)}}{{$channelID = index . 0 1}}{{end}}
{{$temp := getChannelOrThread (or $channelID (index .CmdArgs 0))}}
{{if $temp}}
{{if lt (len .CmdArgs) 3}}
{{$error = "Insufficient number of Args"}}
{{$channel = $temp}}
{{$id = toInt64 (index .CmdArgs 1)}}
{{$args = slice .CmdArgs 2}}
{{else if (ge (len .CmdArgs) 2)}}
{{$id = toInt64 (index .CmdArgs 0)}}
{{$args = slice .CmdArgs 1}}
{{$error = "Insufficient number of Args"}}

{{$content := ""}}{{$embed := sdict}}{{$Oembed := sdict}}{{$embedPresent := false}}{{$clear := false}}
{{if not $error}}
{{ $msg := getMessage $channel.ID $id}}
{{with $msg}}
{{if eq .Author.ID $.BotUser.ID}}
{{$content = .Content}}
{{if .Embeds}}{{$embed = structToSdict (index .Embeds 0)}}
{{range $k, $v := $embed}}{{if eq (kindOf $v true) "struct"}}{{$embed.Set $k (structToSdict $v)}}{{end}}{{end}}{{$embedPresent = true}}
{{$error = print $.BotUser.Mention " is not Author"}}
{{$error = "Unknown Message"}}

{{if not $error}}
{{$parseFlag := 2}}{{$currentFlag := ""}}{{$currentField := ""}}{{$skip := 0}}
{{range $args}}
{{- if and (not $error) (gt $parseFlag 1)}}
{{- if ($f := $flags.Get (lower .))}}
{{- if eq $f "Force"}}
{{- $embed = sdict}}{{range $k,$v :=$Oembed}}{{$embed.Set $k $v}}{{end}}{{$Oembed = sdict}}{{$parseFlag = 1}}{{$currentFlag = ""}}{{$skip = 1}}
{{- else if eq $f "Clear"}}
{{- $embed = $.nil}}{{$parseFlag = 1}}{{$clear = true}}{{$currentFlag = ""}}{{$skip = 1}}
{{- else if and $clear (ne $f "Content")}}
{{- $error = print "Parsing Error: Invalid flag: " . ". Attempting to Both Clear and Edit Embed"}}
{{- else}}
{{- $currentFlag = $f}}{{$parseFlag = 0}}{{$currentField = $subField.Get (lower .)}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}

{{- if and (not $error) $parseFlag (not $skip)}}
{{- if $currentFlag}}
{{- if in (cslice "Description" "Title" "URL") $currentFlag}}
{{- if eq $parseFlag 1}}{{$embed.Set $currentFlag ""}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag ""}}{{end}}
{{- $embed.Set $currentFlag (joinStr " " ($embed.Get $currentFlag) .)}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag (joinStr " " ($Oembed.Get $currentFlag) .)}}{{$embedPresent = true}}
{{- else if eq $currentFlag "Color"}}
{{- if eq $parseFlag 1}}
{{- $regex := `\A(?:#?([a-fA-F\d]{1,6}))\z`}}
{{- with reFindAllSubmatches $regex .}}
{{- $hex := printf "%06s" (index . 0 1) | upper}}
{{- $dec := 0}}
{{- range $k, $v := split $hex ""}}
{{- $multiplier := index $multipliers $k}}
{{- $num := or ($hex2dec.Get $v) $v }}
{{- $dec = add $dec (mult $num $multiplier)}}
{{- end}}
{{- $embed.Set $currentFlag $dec}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag $dec}}
{{- else}}
{{- $error = "Parsing Error: color was not in correct format (use hex)" }}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}
{{- $error = "Parse Error: too many arguments to Color"}}
{{- end}}
{{- $embedPresent = true}}
{{- else if eq $currentFlag "Content"}}{{if eq $parseFlag 1}}{{$content = ""}}{{end}}{{$content = joinStr " " $content .}}
{{- else}}
{{- if eq $parseFlag 1}}
{{- $tmp :=or ($embed.Get $currentFlag) sdict}}{{$tmpO :=or ($Oembed.Get $currentFlag) sdict}}
{{- $tmp.Set $currentField ""}}{{$tmpO.Set $currentField ""}}
{{- $embed.Set $currentFlag $tmp}}{{$Oembed.Set $currentFlag $tmpO}}{{$embedPresent = true}}
{{- end}}
{{- $cFlag := $embed.Get $currentFlag}}{{$cFlagO := $Oembed.Get $currentFlag}}
{{- $cFlag.Set $currentField (joinStr " " ($cFlag.Get $currentField) .)}}{{$cFlagO.Set $currentField (joinStr " " ($cFlagO.Get $currentField) .)}}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}
{{- $error = (print "Parsing Error: Invalid flag: " . )}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- $parseFlag = add $parseFlag 1}}{{$skip = 0}}
{{- end}}

{{if $embed}}
{{if $embed.Author}}{{$embed.Author.Set "Icon_URL" $embed.Author.IconURL}}{{end}}
{{if $embed.Footer}}{{$embed.Footer.Set "Icon_URL" $embed.Footer.IconURL}}{{end}}
{{if (not $embedPresent)}}{{$embed = $.nil}}{{end}}

{{if not $error}}
{{if or $content (ne (print $embed) "<nil>")}}
{{editMessage $channel.ID $id (complexMessageEdit "content" $content "embed" $embed)}}
Done :+1:
{{$error = "Content and embed cannot be null at the same time."}}

{{if $error}}
{{$helpMsg.Set "description" (print "**Error** - `" $error "`\n" ($helpMsg.Get "description"))}}
{{sendMessage nil (cembed $helpMsg)}}
{{deleteResponse 5}}


This custom command was written by @Satty9361.