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Send Message

This command is a tool for sending messages through YAGPDB, with embed support.

Differences between this and simpleembed

This command is very similar to the built-in simpleembed command, but differs in that it allows you to add fields to the embed. See this section for more information.


Type: Command
Trigger: embed


-embed <flags...> - Sends a message using the flags provided.

The usage of this command is very similar to that of the SimpleEmbed built-in command; you specify certain flags to change parts of the message.

Available Flags

Flags to modify message


The flags used to create fields are documented separately, in this section.

-channel <channel>Sets the channel where the message should be sent-channel #my-channel
-color <decimal>Sets the color of the embed; only supports decimal color-color 111111
-description <desc>Sets the description of the embed-description hello world
-title <title>Sets the title of the embed-title very cool
-image <url>Sets the image URL of the embed-image
-thumb <url>Sets the thumbnail URL of the embed-thumb
-author <name>Sets the author name of the embed-author foo
-footer <text>Sets the footer text of the embed-footer bar
-timestampSets the timestamp of the embed to the current time-timestamp

Specifying fields

At any point in the command, you can enter field mode by using -fields. After that, you use a combination of the following flags to specify the current field:

  • /name <name> - Sets the name of the field. Example: /name foo bar

  • /value <value> - Sets the value of the field. Example: /value baz buz

  • /inline <bool> - Specifies whether the field should be inline. Example: /inline true


Create simple embed

-embed -channel #channel -color 111 -title hello world -footer foo bar -description bar buz

Creates a new embed in channel #channel with the color 111, title hello world, footer text foo bar, and description bar buz.

Create embed with fields

-embed -color 111 -title hello world -fields /name field name 0 /value field value 0 /inline true -fields /name field name 1 /value field value 1 /inline false

Creates a new embed in the current channel with the color 111, title hello world, and two fields. The first is inline and has the name field name 0 and the value field value 0. The second is not inline and has the name field name 1 and the value field value 1.


Alternative to the simpleembed command that supports adding fields.
See <> for more information.

Author: Pedro Pessoa <>

{{$capture := false}} {{$field := sdict}} {{$name := false}} {{$value := false}} {{$boolean := false}} {{$hasField := false}} {{$nameV := ""}} {{$valueV := ""}} {{$booleanV := false}} {{$color := false}} {{$colorV := 123456}} {{$fields := cslice}} {{$isEmbed := false}} {{$description := false}} {{$descriptionV := ""}} {{$channel := false}} {{$channelV := .Channel.ID}} {{$title := false}} {{$titleV := ""}} {{$image := false}} {{$imageV := sdict}} {{$thumbnail := false}} {{$thumbnailV := sdict}} {{$author := false}} {{$authorV := sdict}} {{$authorName := false}} {{$authorNameV := ""}} {{$authorIcon := false}} {{$footer := false}} {{$footerV := sdict}} {{$footerText := false}} {{$footerIcon := false}} {{$footerTextV := ""}} {{$timeStamp := false}} {{$embed := sdict}}
{{$flags := cslice "-channel" "-fields" "-color" "-description" "-title" "-image" "-thumb" "-author" "-footer" "-timestamp"}}
{{- range $k, $v := .CmdArgs -}}
{{- if eq . "-fields"}} {{$capture = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$capture = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if $capture -}}
{{- $hasField = true -}}
{{- if eq . "/name"}} {{$name = true}} {{$value = false}} {{$boolean = false -}}
{{- else if eq . "/value"}} {{$name = false}} {{$value = true}} {{$boolean = false -}}
{{- else if eq . "/inline"}} {{$name = false}} {{$value = false}} {{$boolean = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ($name) (not (eq . "/name"))}} {{$nameV = joinStr " " $nameV .}} {{$field.Set "name" $nameV -}}
{{- else if and ($value) (not (eq . "/value")) }} {{$valueV = joinStr " " $valueV .}} {{$field.Set "value" $valueV -}}
{{- else if $boolean}} {{if eq . "true"}} {{$booleanV = true}} {{end}} {{$field.Set "inline" $booleanV -}}
{{- else}} {{$field.Set "inline" $booleanV -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (ne $valueV "") (or (and ($hasField) (not $capture)) (and ($hasField) (eq $k (sub (len $.CmdArgs) 1))) (and (eq . "-fields") ($field.Get "name")))}} {{$hasField = false}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$fields = $fields.Append $field}} {{$field = sdict}} {{$nameV = ""}} {{$valueV = ""}} {{$booleanV = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-color"}} {{$color = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$color = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if and ($color) (not (eq . "-color"))}} {{with toInt .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$colorV = .}} {{end}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-description"}} {{$description = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$description = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if and ($description) (not (eq . "-description"))}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$descriptionV = joinStr " " $descriptionV .}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-channel"}} {{$channel = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$channel = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if and ($channel) (not (eq . "-channel"))}} {{$checkChannel := reReplace `<|>|#` . ""}} {{with getChannelOrThread $checkChannel}} {{$channelV = .ID}} {{end}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-title"}} {{$title = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$title = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if and ($title) (not (eq . "-title"))}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$titleV = joinStr " " $titleV .}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-image"}} {{$image = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$image = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if and ($image) (not (eq . "-image"))}} {{if reFind `https?:\/\/\w+` .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$imageV.Set "url" .}} {{end}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-thumb"}} {{$thumbnail = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$thumbnail = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if and ($thumbnail) (not (eq . "-thumb"))}} {{if reFind `https?:\/\/\w+` .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$thumbnailV.Set "url" .}} {{end}} {{end -}}
{{- if eq . "-author"}} {{$author = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$author = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if $author}}
{{- if eq . "/name"}} {{$authorName = true}} {{$authorIcon = false -}}
{{- else if eq . "/icon"}} {{$authorName = false}} {{$authorIcon = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ($authorName) (not (eq . "/name"))}} {{$authorNameV = joinStr " " $authorNameV .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$authorV.Set "name" $authorNameV -}}
{{- else if and ($authorIcon) (not (eq . "/icon"))}} {{if reFind `https?:\/\/\w+` .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$authorV.Set "icon_url" .}} {{end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq . "-footer"}} {{$footer = true}} {{else if in $flags .}} {{$footer = false}} {{end -}}
{{- if $footer}}
{{- if eq . "/text"}} {{$footerText = true}} {{$footerIcon = false -}}
{{- else if eq . "/icon"}} {{$footerText = false}} {{$footerIcon = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ($footerText) (not (eq . "/text"))}} {{$footerTextV = joinStr " " $footerTextV .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$footerV.Set "text" $footerTextV -}}
{{- else if and ($footerIcon) (not (eq . "/icon"))}} {{if reFind `https?:\/\/\w+` .}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{$footerV.Set "icon_url" .}} {{end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq . "-timestamp"}} {{$timeStamp = currentTime}} {{$isEmbed = true}} {{end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{if $isEmbed}}
{{$embed.Set "fields" $fields}} {{$embed.Set "color" $colorV}} {{$embed.Set "description" $descriptionV}} {{$embed.Set "title" $titleV}} {{$embed.Set "image" $imageV}} {{$embed.Set "thumbnail" $thumbnailV}} {{$embed.Set "author" $authorV}} {{$embed.Set "footer" $footerV}} {{with $timeStamp}} {{$embed.Set "timestamp" .}} {{end}}
{{sendMessage $channelV (cembed $embed)}}


This custom command was written by @Pedro-Pessoa.