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Configure Role Rewards

This command allows administrators to manage role rewards.


Type: Regex
Trigger: \A(-|<@!?204255221017214977>\s*)(role-?rewards|rr)(\s+|\z)


Unless you would like everyone to be able to configure role rewards, we advise that you restrict this command to a staff role in the role restrictions.



You can view a similar help message to the following in Discord by running -rr with no arguments.

  • -rr add <level> <role_name> - Adds a role reward to level. level must be between 1 and 100, and there can be at max 1 role reward per level.
  • -rr remove <level> - Removes the role reward for the level provided, if it exists.
  • -rr set-type <'stack'|'highest'> - Sets the mode in which role rewards are given to users.
    • stack means that role rewards will stack, hence the name: users will keep all the role rewards that they are eligible for.
    • highest means that the user will only keep the role reward for the highest level they have attained so far.
  • -rr reset - Resets the role reward settings.
  • -rr view - Views the current role reward setup.

Instead of rr, you can also use rolerewards or role-rewards.


Manages the role rewards of the server.
See <> for more information.

Author: jo3-l <>

{{/* Help message */}}
{{ $helpMsg := cembed
"title" "🏆 Role Rewards"
"description" (joinStr "\n\n"
"`rolerewards add <level> <role>`: Adds a role reward at the given level"
"`rolerewards remove <level>`: Removes the role reward from the given level"
"`rolerewards set-type <highest|stack>`: Sets the role reward type. Highest means only the highest role reward less than or equal to the current level, stack is all role rewards up to that level."
"`rolerewards reset`: Resets role reward settings."
"`rolerewards view`: Views current settings for role rewards."
"color" 14232643
{{ if .CmdArgs }}
{{ $roleRewards := sdict "type" "stack" }} {{/* The default setup */}}
{{ with (dbGet 0 "roleRewards") }}
{{ $roleRewards = sdict .Value }} {{/* Update with DB entry if present */}}
{{ end }}
{{ $cmd := index .CmdArgs 0 }} {{/* The subcommand used for convenience */}}

{{ if and (eq $cmd "add") (ge (len .CmdArgs) 3) }}
{{ $level := index .CmdArgs 1 | toInt }} {{/* The level for this role reward */}}
{{ $input := slice .CmdArgs 2 | joinStr " " | lower }} {{/* The role name in lowercase */}}

{{/* Exact match (irregardless of case) */}}
{{ $exactRole := 0 }}
{{/* Match from inFold */}}
{{ $maybeRole := 0 }}

{{ with reFindAllSubmatches `^<@&(\d{17,19})>|(\d{17,19})$` $input }}
{{ $id := toInt (or (index . 0 1) (index . 0 2)) }}
{{ range $.Guild.Roles }}
{{- if eq .ID $id }} {{ $exactRole = . }} {{ end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ range .Guild.Roles }}
{{- if eq (lower .Name) (lower $input) }} {{ $exactRole = . }}
{{- else if inFold (lower .Name) (lower $input) }} {{ $maybeRole = . }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $role := or $exactRole $maybeRole }}
{{/* If there is both level and role */}}
{{ if and $level $role }}
{{ if and (ge $level 1) (le $level 200) }} {{/* If level is in correct range */}}
{{ $roleRewards.Set (str $level) $role.ID }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "roleRewards" $roleRewards }} {{/* Save settings */}}
Successfully set the role `{{ $role.Name }}` to be given at the level `{{ $level }}`.
{{ else }}
Sorry, the level provided was not in the range 1-200.
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
Sorry, I was unable to find the role you provided / the level provided was invalid.
{{ end }}

{{ else if and (eq $cmd "set-type") (ge (len .CmdArgs) 2) }}
{{ $type := index .CmdArgs 1 }}
{{ if not (in (cslice "stack" "highest") $type) }} {{/* Check whether type is valid */}}
Sorry, that was not a valid type. The type must be either "stack" or "highest".
{{ else }}
{{ $roleRewards.Set "type" $type }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "roleRewards" $roleRewards }} {{/* Save settings */}}
Successfully set the role-giving type of this server to `{{ $type }}`.
{{ end }}

{{ else if eq $cmd "reset" }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "roleRewards" (sdict "type" "stack") }} {{/* We set the settings to default */}}
Alright, I cleared the role rewards for this server!

{{ else if and (eq $cmd "remove") (ge (len .CmdArgs) 2) }}
{{ with (reFind `\d+` (index .CmdArgs 1)) }} {{/* Find level to remove */}}
{{ if $roleRewards.Get . }}
{{ $roleRewards.Del . }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "roleRewards" $roleRewards }}
Successfully removed the role reward from the level `{{ . }}`.
{{ else }}
Sorry, there is not a role reward set for that level!
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
Please provide a valid level to remove the role reward from.
{{ end }}

{{ else if eq $cmd "view" }}
{{ if eq (len $roleRewards) 1 }} {{/* If it is still the default settings */}}
{{ sendMessage nil (cembed "title" "Role Rewards" "thumbnail" (sdict "url" "") "description" (joinStr "" "**❯ Role Rewards:** n/a\n**❯ Type:** " $roleRewards.type)) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $out := "" }} {{/* The embed description */}}
{{ range $level := seq 1 201 }} {{- /* We can do this as we know level roles are in range 1-100 */}}
{{- with ($roleRewards.Get (str $level)) }}
{{- $out = printf "%s\n❯ **Level %d:** <@&%d>" $out $level . }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{/* Format and send embed */}}
{{ sendMessage nil (cembed "title" "Role Rewards" "thumbnail" (sdict "url" "") "description" (joinStr "" $out "\n\n" "**❯ Type:** " $roleRewards.type)) }}
{{ end }}

{{ else }}
{{ sendMessage nil $helpMsg }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ sendMessage nil $helpMsg }}
{{ end }}


This custom command was written by @jo3-l.