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Configure Settings

This command allows administrators to configure general leveling settings.


Type: Regex
Trigger: \A(-|<@!?204255221017214977>\s*)(leveling|(level|lvl)-?conf|(level|lvl)-?settings)(\s+|\z)


Unless you would like everyone to be able to configure general leveling settings, we advise that you restrict this command to a staff role in the role restrictions.



You can view a similar help message to the following in Discord by running -leveling with no arguments.

  • -leveling set cooldown <duration> - Sets the cooldown between giving messages.
  • -leveling set min <num> - Sets the lower bound of the range of experience that can be given when a user sends a message.
  • -leveling set max <num> - Sets the upper bound of the range of experience that can be given when a user sends a message.
  • -leveling set-channel <channel|'none'> - Sets the channel where level-up announcements will be sent. The default is to send it in the channel where the user leveled up, but you can also set it to a fixed channel by providing a channel. To use the default of the channel where the user leveled up, use none as the channel.
  • -leveling set-announcements <bool> - Sets whether level-up announcements should be sent.
  • -leveling view - Views the current leveling settings.

Instead of using leveling, you can also use levelconf, lvlconf, level-conf, lvl-conf, levelsettings, lvlsettings, level-settings, or lvl-settings.


Manages the general leveling settings for the server.
See <> for more information.

Author: jo3-l <>

{{/* Help message for convenience in sending */}}
{{ $helpMsg := cembed
"title" "🏆 Leveling"
"description" (joinStr "\n\n"
"`leveling use-default`: Use the default settings"
"`leveling set <key> <value>`: Sets the given settings to the value provided. Valid keys are \"min\", \"max\", and \"cooldown\" (duration)."
"`leveling set-channel <channel|none>`: Sets the channel where level up messages will be sent (defaults to current channel). If you want to make it the current channel, use `leveling set-channel none`."
"`leveling set-announcements`: Sets if you want to display the level up messages."
"`leveling view`: Views the current settings."
"color" 14232643
{{ if .CmdArgs }}
{{ $isSaved := false }} {{/* Whether the settings are saved */}}
{{ $currentSettings := sdict
"min" 15
"max" 25
"cooldown" .TimeMinute
"announcements" true
}} {{/* Defaults for level settings */}}
{{ with (dbGet 0 "xpSettings") }}
{{ $isSaved = true }} {{/* Settings are in DB */}}
{{ $currentSettings = sdict .Value }} {{/* Convert value to sdict */}}
{{ end }}

{{ if eq (index .CmdArgs 0) "use-default" }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "xpSettings" $currentSettings }} {{/* Set defaults */}}
Done! You are now using the default settings for the leveling system.

{{ else if and (eq (index .CmdArgs 0) "set") (ge (len .CmdArgs) 3) }}
{{ $key := index .CmdArgs 1 }} {{/* The key of the setting being set */}}
{{ $value := slice .CmdArgs 2 | joinStr " " }} {{/* The value of the new setting */}}
{{ if in (cslice "min" "max" "cooldown") $key }} {{/* Check that key is valid */}}
{{ $parsed := or (and (eq $key "cooldown") (toDuration $value)) (toInt $value) }} {{/* Find the proper type of conversion needed */}}
{{ if not $parsed }} {{/* Check whether it was parsed correctly / whether it was valid value */}}
Please provide a valid value for the key `{{ $key }}`.
{{ else }}
{{ $currentSettings.Set $key $parsed }} {{/* Set key to value */}}
{{ if ge $currentSettings.min $currentSettings.max }} {{/* Preemptively prevent user from setting larger min value than max which would cause error later */}}
The minimum xp cannot be larger than or equal to the max xp.
{{ else }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "xpSettings" $currentSettings }} {{/* Save it */}}
Successfully set the key `{{ $key }}` to `{{ $value }}`!
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
That was not a valid key. The only valid settings are "min", "max", and "cooldown".
{{ end }}

{{ else if and (eq (index .CmdArgs 0) "set-channel") (ge (len .CmdArgs) 2) }}
{{ $input := index .CmdArgs 1 }}
{{ with reFindAllSubmatches `<#(\d+)>` $input }} {{ $input = toInt64 (index . 0 1) }} {{ end }}
{{ $channel := .Guild.GetChannel $input }}
{{ if $channel }}
{{ $currentSettings.Set "channel" $channel.ID }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "xpSettings" $currentSettings }}
Successfully set channel to <#{{ $channel.ID }}>!
{{ else if eq $input "none" }}
{{ $currentSettings.Del "channel" }}
{{ $s := dbSet 0 "xpSettings" $currentSettings }}
Successfully set the channel for level up notifications to none.
{{ else }}
That was not a valid channel. Try again.
{{ end }}

{{ else if eq (index .CmdArgs 0) "set-announcements" }}
{{ $input := index .CmdArgs 1 | lower }}
{{ if eq $input "true" "y" }}
{{ $currentSettings.Set "announcements" true }}
Successfully set the value for announcements to `true`
{{ dbSet 0 "xpSettings" $currentSettings }}
{{ else if eq $input "false" "n" }}
{{ $currentSettings.Set "announcements" false }}
Successfully set the value for announcements to `false`
{{ dbSet 0 "xpSettings" $currentSettings }}
{{ else }}
That was not a valid option. The only valid options are "true" and "false".
{{ end }}

{{ else if eq (index .CmdArgs 0) "view" }}
{{ $channel := "*None set*" }}
{{ with $ }} {{ $channel = printf "<#%d>" . }} {{ end }}
{{ $formatted := printf "**❯ Minimum XP:** %d\n**❯ Maximum XP:** %d\n**❯ Cooldown:** %s\n**❯ Level-up Channel:** %s\n**❯ Announcements:** %v\n"
(humanizeDurationSeconds ($currentSettings.cooldown | toDuration))
}} {{/* Construct the embed description */}}
{{ if $isSaved }} {{/* If the settings are in DB */}}
{{ sendMessage nil (cembed "title" "Level Settings" "description" $formatted "thumbnail" (sdict "url" "")) }}
{{ else }}
This server has not set up the leveling system. Run `-leveling use-default` to use the default settings or customize it using `-leveling set <key> <value>`.
{{ end }}
{{ else }} {{/* Send help messages */}}
{{ sendMessage nil $helpMsg }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ sendMessage nil $helpMsg }}
{{ end }}


This custom command was written by @jo3-l.