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Set XP/Level

This command allows administrators to set the experience or level of a user.


Type: Regex
Trigger: \A(-|<@!?204255221017214977>\s*)(set-?(xp|level))(\s+|\z)


Unless you would like everyone to be able to set experience/level, we advise that you restrict this command to a staff role in the role restrictions.


  • -setxp <user> <xp> - Sets the experience of the user provided.
  • -setlevel <user> <level> - Sets the level of the user provided.

Instead of using setxp, you can also use set-xp. Similarly, in place of setlevel, you can also use set-level.


Sets the XP or level of user.
See <> for more information.

Author: jo3-l <>

{{ $cmd := reFind `(?i)xp|level` .Cmd }} {{/* The type of command used */}}
{{ $user := 0 }} {{/* Target user */}}
{{ $newLvl := 0 }} {{/* Whether user leveled up with these changes */}}
{{ with .CmdArgs }} {{ $user = index . 0 | userArg }} {{ end }} {{/* We try to resolve user from arguments given */}}
{{ if and (eq $cmd "level") (eq (len .CmdArgs) 2) }}
{{ $level := $.nil }}
{{ $valid := false }}
{{ with reFind `\A\d+\z` (index .CmdArgs 1) }} {{ $valid = true }} {{ $level = toInt . }} {{ end }}
{{ if and $valid $user }}
{{ $calculated := mult 100 (mult $level $level) }} {{/* Calculate XP for this level */}}
{{ $s := dbSet $user.ID "xp" $calculated }} {{/* Update db */}}
{{ $newLvl = $level }} {{/* As user leveled up, we change newLvl */}}
{{ printf "Successfully set **%s**'s level to %d!" $user.String $level }}
{{ else }}
The syntax for this command is `-setlevel <user> <level>`.
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq (len .CmdArgs) 2 }}
{{ $xp := $.nil }}
{{ $valid := false }}
{{ with reFind `\A\d+\z` (index .CmdArgs 1) }} {{ $valid = true }} {{ $xp = toInt . }} {{ end }}
{{ if and $valid $user }}
{{ $oldXp := 0 }} {{/* Old XP */}}
{{ with (dbGet $user.ID "xp") }} {{ $oldXp = .Value }} {{ end }} {{/* Update old xp with db entry */}}
{{ $oldLvl := roundFloor (mult 0.1 (sqrt $oldXp)) }} {{/* Calculate old level */}}
{{ $s := dbSet $user.ID "xp" $xp }} {{/* Silence the dbSet */}}
{{ $updatedLvl := roundFloor (mult 0.1 (sqrt $xp)) }} {{/* Calculate updated level */}}
{{ if ne $oldLvl $updatedLvl }} {{ $newLvl = $updatedLvl }} {{ end }} {{/* If level was updated, update newLvl */}}
{{ printf "Successfully set **%s**'s XP to %d!" $user.String $xp }}
{{ else }}
The syntax for this command is `-setxp <user> <xp>`.
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
The syntax for this command is `-setxp/setlevel <user> <level|xp>`.
{{ end }}
{{/* Handle leveling up | Basically the same as whats in the message listener, so if you are curious look at that */}}
{{ if $newLvl }}
{{ $roleRewards := sdict "type" "stack" }}
{{ with dbGet 0 "roleRewards" }} {{ $roleRewards = sdict .Value }} {{ end }}
{{ $type := $roleRewards.type }}
{{ $toAdd := 0 }}
{{ $dist := -1 }}
{{ range $level, $reward := $roleRewards }}
{{- if and (le (toInt $level) (toInt $newLvl)) (or (gt $dist (sub (toInt $newLvl) (toInt $level))) (eq $dist -1)) (eq $type "highest") }}
{{- $dist = sub (toInt $newLvl) (toInt $level) }} {{- $toAdd = $reward }}
{{- end }}
{{- if and (ge (toInt $newLvl) (toInt $level)) (not (targetHasRoleID $user $reward)) (eq $type "stack") (ne $level "type") }} {{- giveRoleID $user $reward }}
{{- else if and (targetHasRoleID $user $reward) (eq $type "highest") }} {{- takeRoleID $user $reward }} {{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{/* TODO: Find a better solution than removing and adding this role */}}
{{ if $toAdd }} {{ giveRoleID $user $toAdd }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}


This custom command was written by @jo3-l.