Custom Report
This command is basically equivalent to the built-in report command, but has some back-end changes in order for the rest of the custom report system to work.
For more information about the custom report system, see this page.
Type: Regex
Trigger: \A-r(eport)?(?:u(ser)?)?(\s+|\z)
-ru <user> <reason>
- Reports the user provided using the reason given.
Instead of ru
, you can also use reportuser
, reportu
, or ruser
The channel where reports are sent to.📌
The channel where users are notified of updates regarding their report.
Replacement for the built-in report command that integrates with the custom report system.
See <> for more information.
Author: Luca Z. <>
{{/* Configurable values */}}
{{$REPORT_LOG := 123}}
{{/* End of configurable values */}}
{{/* ACTUAL CODE */}}
{{$Escaped_Prefix := reQuoteMeta .ServerPrefix}}
{{if not (reFind (print `\A` $Escaped_Prefix `|` .BotUser.Mention) .Message.Content)}}
Did not set regex to match Server Prefix!{{deleteTrigger}}
{{if and .CmdArgs (lt (len .CmdArgs) 2)}}
{{if eq (index .CmdArgs 0) "dbSetup"}}
{{if hasPermissions .Permissions.ManageServer}}
{{dbSet .Guild.ID "reportSettings" (sdict "reportLog" $REPORT_LOG "reportDiscussion" $REPORT_DISCUSSION)}}
{{dbSet .Guild.ID "ReportNo" 0}}
**Database primed, report count reset, system is ready to use!**
You do not have permission to use this command!
{{sendMessage nil (printf "```%s <User:Mention/ID> <Reason:Text>``` \n Not enough arguments passed." .Cmd)}}
{{else if not .CmdArgs}}
{{sendMessage nil (printf "```%s <User:Mention/ID> <Reason:Text>``` \n Not enough arguments passed." .Cmd)}}
{{$user := userArg (index .CmdArgs 0)}}
{{if eq $user.ID .User.ID}}
You can't report yourself, silly.{{deleteTrigger}}
{{$secret := adjective}}
{{$logs250 := execAdmin "log 250"}}
{{$reason := joinStr " " (slice .CmdArgs 1)}}
{{$history := ""}}
{{if (dbGet $user.ID "rhistory")}}
{{range (dbGetPattern $user.ID "rhistory%" 7 0)}}
{{$history = .Value}}
{{dbSet $user.ID "rhistory" (print (dbGet $user.ID "rhistory").Value "\n" (currentTime.Format "02-01-2006-15:04:05") ": " $reason)}}
{{dbSet $user.ID "rhistory" (print (currentTime.Format "02-01-2006-15:04:05") ": " $reason)}}
{{$reportNo := dbIncr 2000 "ReportNo" 1}}
{{$reportEmbed := cembed "title" (print "Report No. " $reportNo)
"author" (sdict "name" (printf "%s (ID %d)" .User.String .User.ID) "icon_url" (.User.AvatarURL "256"))
"thumbnail" (sdict "url" ($user.AvatarURL "512"))
"description" (printf "<@%d> reported <@%d> in <#%d>." .User.ID $user.ID .Channel.ID)
"fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "Current State" "value" "__Not reviewed yet.__")
(sdict "name" "Reason for Report" "value" $reason)
(sdict "name" "Reported user" "value" (printf "<@%d> (ID %d)" $user.ID $user.ID))
(sdict "name" "Message Logs" "value" (printf "[last 250 messages](%s) \nTime - `%s`" $logs250 (currentTime.Format "Mon 02 Jan 15:04:05")))
(sdict "name" "History" "value" (print "```\n" (or $history "None recorded") "\n```"))
(sdict "name" "Reaction Menu Options" "value" (printf "\nDismiss report with ❌, start investigation with 🛡️, or ask for more background information with ⚠️."))
"footer" (sdict "text" "No moderator yet • Claim by reacting with 🔐")
{{$x := sendMessageRetID $REPORT_LOG $reportEmbed}}
{{addMessageReactions $REPORT_LOG $x "🔐"}}
User reported to the proper authorites!
{{dbSet .User.ID "key" $secret}}
{{if not .Message.Mentions}}
{{sendDM (printf "User reported to the proper authorities! If you wish to cancel your report, simply type \n```-cancelr %d %s``` in any channel.\n **A reason is required.**" $x $secret)}}
This custom command was written by @l-zeuch.