Reaction Handler
Handles the reaction menu for the custom report system.
For more information about the custom report system, see this page.
Type: Reaction
Additional options: Added reactions only
Only run in the following channels
then select your report logging channel
Handles reactions for the custom report system.
See <> for more information.
Author: Luca Z. <>
{{/* ACTUAL CODE */}}
{{/* Functions; edit report embed */}}
{{define "edit"}}
{{$rEmbed := .rembed}}
{{$rEmbed.Set "Fields" ((cslice).AppendSlice $rEmbed.Fields)}}
{{$emojis := .emojis}}
{{$moderator := .moderator}}
{{if ne .menu "none"}}
{{$rEmbed.Fields.Set 0 (sdict "name" "Current Status" "value" (printf "__%s__" .message))}}
{{$rEmbed.Fields.Set 5 (sdict "name" "Reaction Menu Options" "value" .menu)}}
{{$rEmbed.Set "Fields" (slice $rEmbed.Fields 0 5)}}
{{$rEmbed.Set "Footer" (sdict "text" (printf "Report closed! • Responsible Moderator: %s (ID: %d)" $moderator.String $moderator.ID) "icon_url" ($.User.AvatarURL "256"))}}
{{$rEmbed.Set "color" (toInt .color)}}
{{deleteAllMessageReactions .log .reportID}}
{{range $emojis}}
{{addReactions .}}
{{editMessage .log .reportID (complexMessageEdit "embed" $rEmbed)}}
{{if .notify}}
{{$message := complexMessage "content" (print .author.Mention ":") "embed" (cembed
"title" "Information"
"description" "News regarding your report!"
"fields" (cslice
(sdict "name" "Responsible Moderator:" "value" (print $moderator.Mention "\nID: `" $moderator.ID "`") "inline" true)
(sdict "name" "Status:" "value" .message "inline" true)
(sdict "name" "\u200B" "value" "\u200B" "inline" true)
(sdict "name" "Reported User:" "value" (index $rEmbed.Fields 2).Value "inline" true)
(sdict "name" "Reason for Report:" "value" (index $rEmbed.Fields 1).Value "inline" true)
"footer" (sdict "text" (print $moderator.String " • " (currentTime.Format "Mon 02 Jan 15:04:05")) "icon_url" ($moderator.AvatarURL "256"))
{{sendMessage .discussion $message}}
{{/* Initialising stuff */}}
{{$conf := (dbGet .Guild.ID "reportSettings").Value}}
{{$disc := $conf.reportDiscussion}}
{{$logs := $conf.reportLog}}
{{/* Validating that it is a report message, the user a mod, parsing the author from description */}}
{{$isMod := hasPermissions .Permissions.ManageMessages}}
{{if and ($embed := (index .ReactionMessage.Embeds 0)) (eq .Channel.ID $logs)}}
{{$report := (index .Message.Embeds 0|structToSdict)}}
{{range $k, $v := $report}}{{if eq (kindOf $v true) "struct"}}{{$report.Set $k (structToSdict $v)}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{if and $isMod (reFindAllSubmatches (toString $.User.ID) $embed.Footer.Text) $embed.Author $embed.Footer}}
{{with $report}}
{{$author := (index (reFindAllSubmatches `\A<@!?(\d{17,19})>` .Description) 0 1|toInt|getMember).User}}
{{.Set "Footer" .Footer}}
{{.Set "Author" .Author}}
{{$data := sdict "color" 0}}{{/* 'Empty' sdict as data to prevent errors */}}
{{if eq $.Reaction.Emoji.Name "❌"}}
{{if (reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)deny request` (index $embed.Fields 5).Value)}}
{{$data = sdict "color" 16711680 "message" "Request denied." "menu" "Dismiss report with ❌, start investigation with 🛡️, or ask for more background information with ⚠️." "emojis" (cslice "❌" "🛡" "⚠")}}
{{$data = sdict "color" 65280 "message" "Report dismissed." "menu" "Warn for `False report` with ❗, or close without any further action with 👌." "emojis" (cslice "❗" "👌")}}
{{$data.Set "notify" true}}
{{else if eq $.Reaction.Emoji.Name "⚠️"}}
{{if (reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)deny request` (index $embed.Fields 5).Value)}}
{{$data = sdict "menu" "Dismiss request with ❌, or accept request (and nullify report) with 👌." "emojis" (cslice "❗" "👌")}}
{{$data = sdict "menu" "Dismiss report with ❌ or start investigation with 🛡️." "emojis" (cslice "❌" "🛡️")}}
{{$data.Set "message" "More information requested."}}
{{$data.Set "notify" true}}
{{$data.Set "color" 255}}
{{else if eq $.Reaction.Emoji.Name "👌"}}
{{if (reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)deny request` (index $embed.Fields 5).Value)}}
{{$data = sdict "message" "Request accepted, report nullified." "menu" "none" "notify" true}}
{{else if (reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)warn` (index $embed.Fields 5).Value)}}
{{$data = sdict "message" "Report dismissed, no further action taken." "menu" "none" "notify" false}}
{{$data = sdict "message" "Report resolved." "menu" "none" "notify" true}}
{{$data.Set "color" 65280}}
{{$data.Set "emojis" (cslice "🏳️")}}
{{else if eq $.Reaction.Emoji.Name "🛡️"}}
{{$data = sdict "color" 16776960 "message" "Under investigation." "menu" "Dismiss with ❌ or resolve with 👌." "emojis" (cslice "❌" "👌") "notify" true}}
{{else if eq $.Reaction.Emoji.Name "❗"}}
{{$data = sdict "color" 16711680 "message" "Report dismissed, warned for false report." "menu" "none" "emojis" (cslice "🏳️") "notify" false}}
{{if ne $.Reaction.Emoji.Name "🏳️"}}
{{$data.Set "rembed" $report}}
{{$data.Set "log" $logs}}
{{$data.Set "reportID" $.Message.ID}}
{{$data.Set "author" $author}}
{{$data.Set "moderator" $.User}}
{{$data.Set "discussion" $disc}}
{{template "edit" $data}}
{{else if and $isMod (eq .Reaction.Emoji.Name "🔐") (reFindAllSubmatches "•" $embed.Footer.Text)}}
{{$report.Set "Footer" (sdict "text" (printf "Responsible Moderator: %s (ID %d)" .User.String .User.ID))}}
{{$report.Set "Fields" ((cslice).AppendSlice $report.Fields)}}
{{.User.Mention}}: You opened this report now - take good care of it.
{{deleteAllMessageReactions nil .Message.ID}}
{{editMessage nil .Message.ID (complexMessageEdit "embed" $report)}}
{{addReactions "❌" "🛡️" "⚠️"}}
{{deleteMessageReaction nil .Message.ID .User.ID "🔐" "❌" "❗" "👌" "🛡️" "⚠️"}}
This custom command was written by @l-zeuch.