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Binary Search

This code snippet searches for a value in a sorted slice/array in O(log n) using the binary search algorithm.


Searches a sorted slice/array in O(log n) time using binary search.
See <> for more information.

Author: Alikuxac <>

{{define "binary_search"}}
{{- $list := .List}}
{{- $left := or .Left 0}}
{{- $right := or .Right (sub (len $list) 1)}}
{{- $value := .Value}}
{{- if .Found}}
{{- if ge $right 1}}
{{- $mid := (div (add $left $right) 2) | toInt}}
{{- if eq (index $list $mid) $value}}
{{- .Set "Result" $mid}}
{{- .Set "Found" false}}
{{- end}}
{{- if gt (index $list $mid) $value}}
{{- .Set "Right" (sub $mid 1)}}
{{- template "binary_search" .}}
{{- else}}
{{- .Set "Left" (add $mid 1)}}
{{- template "binary_search" .}}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}
{{- .Set "Result" -1}}
{{- .Set "Found" false}}
{{- end}}
{{- end -}}


First, copy the above snippet to the top of your code.
To use it, you will need to construct a map holding your input slice/array in addition to the value you wish to search for:

{{/* code snippet here */}}
{{$query := sdict "List" (cslice 1 2 3 5 7 8) "Value" 2 "Found" true}}

"Found" true tells the template to begin searching in the slice/array, so make sure to set it!

Then, we can run the template, passing the query as data:

{{/* code snippet here */}}
{{$query := sdict "List" (cslice 1 2 3 5 7 8) "Value" 2 "Found" true}}
{{template "binary_search" $query}}

Running the template will add a new value to your map, Result, which is the index where the element was found, or -1 if it wasn't found. We can access it using dot notation or index, like such:

{{/* code snippet here */}}
{{$query := sdict "List" (cslice 1 2 3 5 7 8) "Value" 2 "Found" true}}
{{template "binary_search" $query}}
Index: {{$query.Result}}


This code snippet was written by @alikuxac.