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String to Time

Code snippet to parse strings to a time struct, in a human friendly way.

Say you have a command that creates events (much like the -event create built-in command). You would like to accept a time when the event will begin. You could be very strict in your parsing and make the user input their time in a very specific format, but why not allow a variety of human-friendly input like tomorrow, tomorrow at 8:30pm, and so on? That's what this code snippet does.

Accepted Formats


  1. dd/mm/yyyy or or dd-mm-yyyy or dd,mm,yyyy
  2. String format with year mentioned with 4 digits and both short and long month names supported. Date components (i.e day , month , year) need not be present together. eg: 12 Feb 11:50 am, 2020 are supported.
  3. today and tomorrow is supported.

By default timezone is UTC. If user has timezone set using setz command, timezone adjustment is also possible. UTC time is parsed if explicitly specified UTC in this case.

Time is mentioned as hh:mm:ss or hh:mm or hh. May or may not be followed by AM or PM.


Parses a string to a time struct, in a human-friendly way.
See <> for more information.

Author: Satty9361 <>

{{/* Let $timeString be the input string to be parsed. */}}
{{ $timeString := .StrippedMsg }}

{{/* Variable Declarations */}}
{{ $dTime := sdict "Day" currentTime.Day "Month" (toInt (printf "%d" currentTime.Month)) "Year" currentTime.Year "Hour" currentTime.Hour "Min" currentTime.Minute "Sec" currentTime.Second }}
{{ $time := sdict "Day" $dTime.Day "Month" $dTime.Month "Year" $dTime.Year "Hour" 0 "Min" 0 "Sec" 0 }}
{{ $dateSet := false }} {{ $timeSet := false }}
{{ $timeConverted := 0 }}
{{ $months := sdict
"jan" 1
"feb" 2
"mar" 3
"apr" 4
"may" 5
"jun" 6
"jul" 7
"aug" 8
"sep" 9
"oct" 10
"nov" 11
"dec" 12

{{/* Actual Code */}}
{{ $timeString = lower $timeString }}
{{/* Fetching Dates */}}
{{/* Fetching dates written in format or dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy or dd,mm,yyyy */}}
{{ with reFindAllSubmatches `((\s|^)((\d{1,2})(\-|\.|\/|\,)(\d{1,2})(\-|\.|\/|\,)(\d{1,4}))(\s|$))` $timeString }}
{{ $time.Set "Day" (toInt (index . 0 4)) }}
{{ $time.Set "Month" (toInt (index . 0 6)) }}
{{ $time.Set "Year" (toInt (index . 0 8)) }}
{{ $dateSet = true }}
{{ else }}

{{/* Fetching dates written as a string with both long or short month names supported. Date , Month and Year need not be present together but year must be written in full form(with 4 digits) eg: 20 sept 1am ,2019 is supported */}}
{{ with (reFindAllSubmatches `(?:[^a-z]|^)(jan((uary)?)|feb((ruary)?)|mar((ch)?)|apr((il)?)|may|jun(e?)|jul(y?)|aug((ust)?)|sep((t(ember)?)?)|oct((ober)?)|nov((ember)?)|dec((ember)?))(?:[^a-z]|$)` $timeString) }}
{{ $time.Set "Month" ($months.Get (slice (index . 0 1) 0 3)) }}
{{ $temp:= reReplace `(([^:]|^)((\d+)((:(\d+)){1,2}))((\s?(am|pm))?))|(((\d+))(\s?(am|pm)))` $timeString "" }}
{{ with (reFindAllSubmatches `(?:\D|^)(\d{1,2})(?:\D|$)` $temp) }}
{{ $time.Set "Day" (toInt (index . 0 1)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ with (reFindAllSubmatches `(?:\D|^)(\d{4})(?:\D|$)` $temp) }}
{{ $time.Set "Year" (toInt (index . 0 1)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $dateSet = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{/* Fetching dates specified as today or tomorrow and assigning default values to invalid dates */}}
{{ if $dateSet }}
{{ if not $time.Day }}{{ $time.Set "Day" $dTime.Day }}{{ end }}
{{ if not $time.Month }}{{ $time.Set "Month" $dTime.Month }}{{ end }}
{{ if not $time.Year }}{{ $time.Set "Year" $dTime.Year }}{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ with reFind `(today)|(tomorrow)` $timeString }}
{{ if eq . "tomorrow" }}
{{ $time.Set "Day" (add $dTime.Day 1) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{/* Fetching time specified as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss or hh. Can be followed by am/pm as well. */}}
{{ with reFind `(([^:]|^)((\d+)((:(\d+)){1,2}))((\s?(am|pm))?))|(((\d+))(\s?(am|pm)))` $timeString }}
{{ with reFindAllSubmatches `(\d+)` . }}
{{ $time.Set "Hour" (toInt (index . 0 0)) }}
{{ if (gt (len .) 1) }}
{{ $time.Set "Min" (toInt (index . 1 0) ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (gt (len .) 2) }}
{{ $time.Set "Sec" (toInt (index . 2 0)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with reFind `(am|pm)` . }}
{{ if and (eq $time.Hour 12) (eq . "am") }}
{{ $time.Set "Hour" 0 }}
{{ else if and (eq . "pm" ) (lt $time.Hour 12) }}
{{ $time.Set "Hour" (add $time.Hour 12) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $timeSet = true }}
{{ end }}

{{/* Setting time to current time when both explicit date and time setting was not done */}}
{{ if and (not $timeSet) (not $dateSet) }}
{{ $time.Set "Hour" $dTime.Hour }}
{{ $time.Set "Min" $dTime.Min }}
{{ $time.Set "Sec" $dTime.Sec }}
{{ end }}

{{/* Conversion to time.Time datatype */}}
{{ $timeConverted = (newDate $time.Year $time.Month $time.Day $time.Hour $time.Min $time.Sec) }}

{{/*timezone adjustment - Remove if you only want UTC times*/}}
{{ if and (or $timeSet $dateSet) (not (reFind `([^a-z]|^)utc([^a-z]|$)` $timeString )) }}
{{ $TimeHour := .TimeHour }}
{{ with (reFind `(\-)?\d+(:\d+)?` (exec "setz -u") ) }}
{{ $timeConverted = $timeConverted.Add (toDuration (mult -1.0 (toFloat (reReplace ":" . ".")) $TimeHour)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


First, add the code snippet above:

{{/* code snippet goes here */}}

Next, change the value of $timeString to the value you want to parse. Say we wanted to use .Message.Content rather than .StrippedMsg:

{{/* Let $timeString be the input string to be parsed. */}}
- {{ $timeString := .StrippedMsg }}
+ {{ $timeString := .Message.Content }}
{{/* rest of code snippet goes here */}}

You can now reference the parsed time using $timeConverted, which will be a time.Time:

{{/* code snippet goes here */}}
Resulting time: {{$timeConverted}}


This code snippet was written by @Satty9361.