Parse Flags
This code snippet provides a reusable template which you can add to your custom commands.
It separates predefined flags from positional arguments within input, for example:
-command -m 123 positional arg -f
might be parsed into:
- positional
- arg
m: '123'
f: true
Licensed under the terms of the Unlicense.
Separates predefined flags from positional arguments within input.
See <> for more information.
Licensed under the terms of the Unlicense.
Author: jo3-l <>
{{define "parseFlags"}}
{{.Set "Out" (sdict
"Positional" (cslice)
"Flags" (dict)
"Switches" (dict)
{{$curFlag := ""}}
{{$lastIdx := sub (len .Args) 1}}
{{range $i, $arg := .Args}}
{{- if $curFlag}}
{{- $.Out.Flags.Set $curFlag $arg}}
{{- $curFlag = ""}}
{{- else if and ($id := $.Flags.Get $arg) (ne $i $lastIdx)}}
{{- $curFlag = $id}}
{{- else if $id := $.Switches.Get $arg}}
{{- $.Out.Switches.Set $id true}}
{{- else}}
{{- $.Out.Set "Positional" ($.Out.Positional.Append $arg)}}
{{- end -}}
First, copy the above snippet to the top of your code.
To use it, you will need to construct a map holding the flags, switches, and input argument slice to parse.
In this example, we will be parsing a command similar in structure to the rolemenu create
built-in command.
{{/* code snippet goes here */}}
{{$query := dict
"Flags" (dict
"-m" "MessageID"
"-msg" "MessageID"
"-skip" "Skip"
"-s" "Skip"
"Switches" (dict
"-nodm" "NoDM"
"-rr" "RemoveRole"
"Args" .CmdArgs
Flags take on the value that is after them, while switches are simple on-off switches (hence the name).
Now, let's run the template, passing our query as the data:
{{/* code snippet goes here */}}
{{$query := dict
"Flags" (dict
"-m" "MessageID"
"-msg" "MessageID"
"-skip" "Skip"
"-s" "Skip"
"Switches" (dict
"-nodm" "NoDM"
"-rr" "RemoveRole"
"Args" .CmdArgs
{{template "parseFlags" $query}}
Running the template causes our input map to be filled with the parsed data, which we can access via $query.Out
Access flags by their ID (the value in the map supplied to parseFlags). The value will be nil if the user did not supply that flag; otherwise it will be the argument directly after the flag. For example, $msgID would have the value "1" if the input was "-m 1".
Example: {{$msgID := $query.Out.Flags.MessageID}}
Same thing for switches. In this case, the value will be nil if the user did not supply that switch; otherwise it will be 'true'.
Example: {{$nodm := $query.Out.Switches.NoDM}}
Positional arguments
Finally, we can access any excess arguments that are neither flags nor switches by indexing into the Positional slice. In this case, $first would have the value "a" if the input was "a -nodm -m 123".
Example: {{$first := index $query.Out.Positional 0}}
This code snippet was written by @jo3-l.