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Get Username Color

This code snippet gets the display colour of a member.


Gets the display colour for the current member.
See <> for more information.

Author: buthed010203 <>

{{$col := 16777215}}
{{$p := 0}}
{{$r := .Member.Roles}}
{{range .Guild.Roles}}
{{- if and (in $r .ID) (.Color) (lt $p .Position)}}
{{- $p = .Position}}
{{- $col = .Color}}
{{- end -}}


First, copy the above snippet just above where you want to get the username color. Then, you can simply reference $col, which will be the decimal display color of the member.

For example, the following code uses it for an embed:

{{/* code snippet here */}}
{{sendMessage nil (cembed
"title" (print "Hello " .User.Username "!")
"color" $col

Getting the color for a member other than the context member

Let's say you want to get the color of a member that isn't the member that triggered the command. All you would have to change is the following:

{{/* rest of code snippet */}}
{{$p := 0}}
- {{$r := .Member.Roles}}
+ {{$r := $member.Roles}}
{{range .Guild.Roles}}
{{/* rest of code snippet */}}

This would get the display color of $member, rather than the triggering member.


This code snippet was written by @buthed010203.