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Component Handler

This command handles all button pushes and select menu usage during setup and actual usage of the QOTD system.

For more information about the QOTD system, see the overview page.


Type: Component
Custom ID: \Aqotd-


For best results, do not restrict this command's channels or roles.


All configuration is done via the qotd setup command. Only run the setup command after installing all four CCs in the QOTD system. See the QOTD system overview for more information.


{{ define "MissingPerms" }}
{{ $yPerms := getTargetPermissionsIn .BotUser.ID .CID }}
{{ $missing := cslice }}
{{ range $k, $v := .AllPerms }}
{{ if and (in $.ReqPerms $v) (ne (bitwiseAnd $yPerms $v) $v) }}
{{ $missing = $missing.Append $k }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return joinStr ", " $missing }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "ClearCfg" }}
{{ $ = . }}
{{ $.Del "SuggestionsOpen" }}
{{ $.Del "MentionRole" }}
{{ $.Del "Sticky" }}
{{ $.Del "Publish" }}
{{ $.Del "UseThreads" }}
{{ $.Set "Xtras" cslice }}
{{ return $ }}
{{ end }}

{{ if eq .StrippedID "suggest" }}
{{ $placeholder := print "Ex: " (slice (execAdmin "topic") 2) }}
{{ if gt (len $placeholder) 100 }}
{{ $placeholder = slice $placeholder 0 101 }}
{{ end }}
{{ sendModal (sdict "title" "Suggest a question!" "custom_id" "qotd-submit" "fields" (cslice (sdict "label" "Question" "required" true "placeholder" $placeholder))) }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}

{{ $cfg := dbGet 0 "qotd-config" }}
{{ with $cfg }}
{{ $cfg = .Value }}
{{ else }}
Sorry, please run `{{ .ServerPrefix }}qotd setup` again.
{{ return }}
{{ end }}

{{ $id := slice .StrippedID 6 }}
{{ $msg := "" }}
{{ $comps := cslice }}
{{ $err := "" }}
{{ $missingPermsErr := "YAGPDB is missing the following permissions: %s in <#%d>. Please fix the permissions and try again, or choose a different channel." }}
{{ $allPerms := .Permissions }}
{{ $basicPerms := cslice $allPerms.ViewChannel $allPerms.SendMessages $allPerms.EmbedLinks }}
{{ $mainChannel := sdict "Msg" "Select channel for QOTD announcements." "Comps" (cslice (cmenu "type" "channel" "custom_id" "qotd-setup-main_channel" "channel_types" (cslice 0 2 5 10 11 12 15))) }}
{{ $mainCfg := sdict "Msg" "Choose config options." "Comps" (cslice (sdict "type" "text" "custom_id" "qotd-setup-main_cfg" "placeholder" "Choose config options..." "options" (cslice (sdict "label" "Open Suggestions" "description" "Allow members to suggest questions." "value" "suggestions_open") (sdict "label" "Mention a Role" "description" "Mention a role with QOTDs." "value" "mention_role_bool") (sdict "label" "Sticky Message" "description" "Post a sticky message with current QOTD in QOTD channel/thread." "value" "sticky") (sdict "label" "None" "value" "no_config")))) }}
{{ $xtraCfg := sdict "Msg" "Select additional configuration." }}
{{ $publishOpt := sdict "label" "Publish QOTD" "description" "Publish each QOTD." "value" "publish" }}
{{ $useThreadsOpt := sdict "label" "Use Threads" "description" "Create thread for each QOTD" "value" "use_threads" }}
{{ $queueChannelMenu := cmenu "type" "channel" "custom_id" "qotd-setup-queue_channel" "placeholder" "Select channel for question queue." "channel_types" (cslice 0 2 5 10 11 12 15) }}
{{ $mentionRoleMenu := cmenu "type" "role" "custom_id" "qotd-setup-mention_role" "placeholder" "Select role to mention with QOTDs." }}

{{ if in $id "back" }}
{{ $cfg.Del "Complete" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if in $id "main_channel" }}
{{ $msg = $mainChannel.Msg }}
{{ $comps = $mainChannel.Comps }}
{{ $cfg.Del "PrevCfg" }}
{{ if not (hasSuffix $id "-back") }}
{{ with getChannel (index .Values 0) }}
{{ $missing := execTemplate "MissingPerms" (sdict "CID" .ID "ReqPerms" $basicPerms "AllPerms" $allPerms) }}
{{ if $missing }}
{{ $err = printf $missingPermsErr $missing .ID }}
{{ else }}
{{ $cfg.Set "MainChannel" .ID }}
{{ $cfg.Set "PrevCfg" "main_channel" }}
{{ $cfg.Del "ActiveThread" }}
{{ $xtraOpts := cslice }}
{{ if eq .Type 15 }}
{{ $cfg.Set "ForumMode" true }}
{{ else }}
{{ $cfg.Del "ForumMode" }}
{{ $xtraOpts = $xtraOpts.Append $useThreadsOpt }}
{{ if eq .Type 5 }}
{{ $xtraOpts = $xtraOpts.Append $publishOpt }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $msg = $mainCfg.Msg }}
{{ $comps = $mainCfg.Comps }}
{{ $menu := index $comps 0 }}
{{ $menu.Set "options" ($xtraOpts.AppendSlice $menu.options) }}
{{ $menu.Set "max_values" (len $menu.options) }}
{{ $comps.Set 0 (cmenu $menu) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $err = "Sorry, please try again." }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if in $id "main_cfg" }}
{{ $msg = $mainCfg.Msg }}
{{ $comps = $mainCfg.Comps }}
{{ $xtraOpts := cslice }}
{{ if not $cfg.ForumMode }}
{{ $xtraOpts = $xtraOpts.Append $useThreadsOpt }}
{{ if eq (getChannel $cfg.MainChannel).Type 5 }}
{{ $xtraOpts = $xtraOpts.Append $publishOpt }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $menu := index $comps 0 }}
{{ $menu.Set "options" ($xtraOpts.AppendSlice $menu.options) }}
{{ $menu.Set "max_values" (len $menu.options) }}
{{ $comps.Set 0 (cmenu $menu) }}
{{ $cfg.Set "PrevCfg" "main_channel" }}
{{ if not (hasSuffix $id "-back") }}
{{ $xtraCfgComps := cslice }}
{{ $cfg = execTemplate "ClearCfg" $cfg }}
{{ range $v := .Values }}
{{ if eq $v "suggestions_open" }}
{{ $cfg.Set "SuggestionsOpen" true }}
{{ $cfg.Del "QueueChannel" }}
{{ $cfg.Del "QueueMessage" }}
{{ $xtraCfgComps = $xtraCfgComps.Append $queueChannelMenu }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Xtras" ($cfg.Xtras.Append "queue_channel") }}
{{ else if eq $v "mention_role_bool" }}
{{ $cfg.Del "MentionRole" }}
{{ $xtraCfgComps = $xtraCfgComps.Append $mentionRoleMenu }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Xtras" ($cfg.Xtras.Append "mention_role") }}
{{ else if eq $v "sticky" }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Sticky" (sdict "ID" 0 "ExpiresAt" currentTime "Message" (slice (execAdmin "topic") 2) "Color" (randInt 0x000000 0xFFFFFF) "Cooldown" 30) }}
{{ else if eq $v "publish" }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Publish" true }}
{{ else if eq $v "use_threads" }}
{{ $missing := execTemplate "MissingPerms" (sdict "CID" $cfg.MainChannel "ReqPerms" (cslice $allPerms.UsePublicThreads $allPerms.SendMessagesInThreads) "AllPerms" $allPerms) }}
{{ if $missing }}
{{ $err = printf $missingPermsErr $missing $cfg.MainChannel }}
{{ else }}
{{ $cfg.Set "UseThreads" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq $v "no_config" }}
{{ $xtraCfgComps = cslice }}
{{ $cfg = execTemplate "ClearCfg" $cfg }}
{{ $err = "" }}
{{ break }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not $err }}
{{ if $xtraCfgComps }}
{{ $cfg.Set "PrevCfg" "main_cfg" }}
{{ $msg = $xtraCfg.Msg }}
{{ $comps = $xtraCfgComps }}
{{ else }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Complete" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if in $id "queue_channel" }}
{{ $cfg.Set "PrevCfg" "main_cfg" }}
{{ $msg = $xtraCfg.Msg }}
{{ if in $cfg.Xtras "queue_channel" }}
{{ $comps = $comps.Append $queueChannelMenu }}
{{ end }}
{{ if in $cfg.Xtras "mention_role" }}
{{ $comps = $comps.Append $mentionRoleMenu }}
{{ end }}
{{ with getChannel (index .Values 0) }}
{{ $missing := execTemplate "MissingPerms" (sdict "CID" .ID "ReqPerms" ($basicPerms.Append $allPerms.ManageMessages) "AllPerms" $allPerms) }}
{{ if $missing }}
{{ $err = printf $missingPermsErr $missing $cfg.MainChannel }}
{{ else }}
{{ $cfg.Set "QueueChannel" .ID }}
{{ dbSet 0 "qotd-config" $cfg }}
{{ execCC $cfg.MainCC nil 0 (sdict "Type" "refresh") }}
{{ if or $cfg.MentionRole (not (in $cfg.Xtras "mention_role")) }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Complete" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $err = "Sorry, please try again." }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if in $id "mention_role" }}
{{ $cfg.Set "PrevCfg" "main_cfg" }}
{{ $msg = $xtraCfg.Msg }}
{{ if in $cfg.Xtras "queue_channel" }}
{{ $comps = $comps.Append $queueChannelMenu }}
{{ end }}
{{ if in $cfg.Xtras "mention_role" }}
{{ $comps = $comps.Append $mentionRoleMenu }}
{{ end }}
{{ $canPingAll := eq (bitwiseAnd (getTargetPermissionsIn $.BotUser.ID $cfg.MainChannel) $allPerms.MentionEveryone) $allPerms.MentionEveryone }}
{{ with getRole (index .Values 0) }}
{{ if or .Mentionable $canPingAll }}
{{ $cfg.Set "MentionRole" .ID }}
{{ if or $cfg.QueueChannel (not (in $cfg.Xtras "queue_channel")) }}
{{ $cfg.Set "Complete" true }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $err = printf "YAGPDB cannot mention <@&%d>. Give YAGPDB MentionEveryone in <#%d> or allow the role to be mentioned by anyone." .ID $cfg.MainChannel }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $err = "Sorry, please try again." }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq $id "delete" }}
{{ deleteTrigger 0 }}
{{ ephemeralResponse }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ $embed := sdict "title" "QOTD Setup" "color" 0x93e9be }}
{{ if $err }}
{{ $embed.Set "description" (printf "%s\n\n%s" (trimSpace $err) $msg) }}
{{ $embed.Set "color" 0xcc0000 }}
{{ else }}
{{ $embed.Set "description" $msg }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $cfg.Complete }}
{{ $embed.Set "description" "Done setup! Run setup again any time to reconfigure." }}
{{ $embed.Set "color" 0x527826 }}
{{ $comps = $comps.Append (cbutton "label" "Finish" "custom_id" "qotd-setup-delete" "style" "green") }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $cfg.PrevCfg }}
{{ $comps = $comps.Append (cbutton "label" "Back" "custom_id" (print "qotd-setup-" . "-back") "style" "grey") }}
{{ end }}
{{ $m := sdict "embed" $embed "components" $comps }}
{{ updateMessage (complexMessageEdit $m) }}
{{ if in $id "queue_channel" }}
{{/* Prevent an execCC race condition when configuring queue channel message */}}
{{ sleep 3 }}
{{ $maybeNewCfg := dbGet 0 "qotd-config" }}
{{ if ne ( $n := $maybeNewCfg.Value.QueueMessage | toInt64 ) ( $o := $cfg.QueueMessage | toInt64 ) }}
{{ $cfg.Set "QueueMessage" ( or $n $o ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ dbSet 0 "qotd-config" $cfg }}


This custom command was written by @SoggySaussages.