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This command triggers the Main CC to post a new QOTD on an interval.

For more information about the QOTD system, see the overview page.


Type: Hourly Interval
Interval: 24 Channel: (any channel where YAGPDB has Send Message permission)


You must set a channel for this command or it will not function. It can be any channel where YAGPDB has Send Message permission.


Before saving this command, disable it, and do not enable again until after you have completed the interactive setup.


All configuration is done via the qotd setup command. Only run the setup command after installing all four CCs in the QOTD system. See the QOTD system overview for more information.


Triggers daily QOTD posting.
See <> for more information.

Author: SoggySaussages <>

{{ $config := dbGet 0 "qotd-config" }}
{{ with $config }}
{{ $config = .Value }}
{{ else }}
Something went wrong, please run `{{ .ServerPrefix }}qotd setup` again.
{{ return }}
{{ end }}

{{ execCC $config.MainCC nil 0 ( sdict "Type" "push" ) }}


This custom command was written by @SoggySaussages.