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Main CC

This command holds the majority of the QOTD system's code, managing the QOTD channel, posting new questions, the queue, and any text commands from users.

For more information about the QOTD system, see the overview page.


Type: Regex
Trigger: \A


For best results, do not restrict this command's channels or roles.


All configuration is done via the qotd setup command. Only run the setup command after installing all four CCs in the QOTD system. See the QOTD system overview for more information.


QOTD posts a question every day, allowing users to submit their own as well.
See <> for more information.

Author: SoggySaussages <>

{{ $suggestion := false }}
{{ $push := false }}
{{ $refreshQueue := false }}
{{ $newQuestion := false }}
{{ $updateSticky := false }}

{{ $setupErr := printf "QOTD hasn't been setup yet, please use `%sqotd setup` to get started!" .ServerPrefix }}

{{ $config := dbGet 0 "qotd-config" }}
{{ with $config }}
{{ $config = .Value }}
{{ else }}
{{ $config = sdict "Complete" false }}
{{ end }}

{{ if not .ExecData }}
{{ if hasPrefix .Message.Content ( print .ServerPrefix "qotd" ) }}
{{ if eq .Message.Content ( print .ServerPrefix "qotd" ) }}
{{ if $config.Complete }}
Check out today's question in <#{{ or $config.ActiveThread $config.MainChannel }}>!
{{ return }}
{{ else }}
{{ $setupErr }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ $args := parseArgs 2 ""
( carg "string" "Command (qotd)" )
( carg "string" "Subcommand (suggest|setup|push|delete)" )
( carg "string" "Additional Values" ) }}

{{ $subCmd := $args.Get 1 }}
{{ if eq $subCmd "suggest" }}
{{ if not $config.Complete }}
{{ $setupErr }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not $config.SuggestionsOpen }}
Sorry, a server admin has disabled question suggestions.
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $args.IsSet 2 }}
{{ $suggestion = $args.Get 2 }}
Your suggestion was submitted!
{{ else }}
Missing a question suggestion!\nSyntax is `{{ .ServerPrefix }}qotd suggest {{ slice ( execAdmin "topic" ) 2 }}`
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq $subCmd "push" }}
{{ if not $config.Complete }}
{{ $setupErr }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ $push = hasPermissions .Permissions.ManageMessages }}
{{ else if hasPrefix $subCmd "del" }}
{{ if not $config.Complete }}
{{ $setupErr }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not ( hasPermissions .Permissions.ManageServer ) }}
You can't run that command!
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $args.IsSet 2 }}
{{ with toInt ( $args.Get 2 ) }}
{{ $int := sub . 1 }}
{{ if not $config.QuestionsQueue }}
There are no questions in the queue!
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ $newQuestions := cslice }}
{{ range $i, $q := $config.QuestionsQueue }}
{{ if eq $i $int }}
Deleted `{{ $q.Question }}`!
{{ else }}
{{ $newQuestions = $newQuestions.Append $q }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $config.Set "QuestionsQueue" $newQuestions }}
{{ $refreshQueue = true }}
{{ else if hasPrefix ( $args.Get 2 ) "-a" }}
{{ $config.Set "QuestionsQueue" cslice }}
Reset question queue.
{{ $refreshQueue = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
Please use ID or -all.
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq $subCmd "setup" }}
{{ if not ( hasPermissions .Permissions.ManageServer ) }}
You can't run that command!
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ $config.Set "MainCC" ( toInt .CCID ) }}
{{ $config.Set "Complete" false }}
{{ dbSet 0 "qotd-config" $config }}
{{ $embed := cembed "title" "QOTD Setup" "color" 0x93e9be "description" "Welcome to QOTD setup! For starters, please select the channel for QOTD announcements (supports forum channels, announcement channels, and other text channels)." }}
{{ $menu := cmenu "type" "channel" "custom_id" "qotd-setup-main_channel" "channel_types" (cslice 0 2 5 10 11 12 15) }}
{{ sendMessage nil ( complexMessage "embed" $embed "menus" $menu ) }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $config.Complete }}
{{ if eq .Channel.ID ( toInt64 $config.ActiveThread ) $config.MainChannel }}
{{ $updateSticky = true }}
{{ else if eq .Channel.ID $config.QueueChannel }}
{{ if not $config.SuggestionsOpen }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ $suggestion = .Message.Content }}
{{ deleteTrigger 0 }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ if .ExecData.Suggestion }}
{{ if not $config.SuggestionsOpen }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}
{{ $suggestion = .ExecData.Suggestion }}
{{ else if eq .ExecData.Type "push" }}
{{ $push = true }}
{{ else if eq .ExecData.Type "refresh" }}
{{ $refreshQueue = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ if $suggestion }}
{{/* Author: buthed010203 <> */}}

{{ $col := 16777215 }}
{{ $p := 0 }}
{{ $r := .Member.Roles }}
{{ range .Guild.Roles }}
{{- if and ( in $r .ID ) .Color ( lt $p .Position ) }}
{{- $p = .Position }}
{{- $col = .Color }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}

{{ $newQuestion = sdict
"Question" $suggestion
"Author" ( sdict "ID" .User.ID "Color" $col )
{{ end }}

{{ if $push }}
{{ $questions := cslice }}
{{ with $config.QuestionsQueue }}
{{ $questions = . }}
{{ end }}

{{ $chosenQuestion := sdict
"Custom" false
"Question" ( slice ( execAdmin "topic" ) 2 ) }}
{{ if and ( gt ( len $questions ) 0 ) $config.SuggestionsOpen }}
{{ $question := index $questions 0 }}
{{ $chosenQuestion = sdict
"Custom" true
"Question" $question.Question
"Author" $question.Author }}
{{ end }}

{{ $embed := sdict
"title" "Question of the day!" }}
{{ $pattern := printf "# %s\n\nQuestion chosen %%s." $chosenQuestion.Question }}

{{ if $chosenQuestion.Custom }}
{{ $embed.Set "description" ( printf $pattern ( printf "by <@%d>" $chosenQuestion.Author.ID ) ) }}
{{ $embed.Set "color" $chosenQuestion.Author.Color }}
{{ $newQuestions := cslice }}
{{ if gt ( len $questions ) 1 }}
{{ $newQuestions = slice $questions 1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $config.Set "QuestionsQueue" $newQuestions }}
{{ $refreshQueue = true }}
{{ else }}
{{ $embed.Set "description" ( printf $pattern "at random" ) }}
{{ $embed.Set "color" ( randInt 0x000000 0xFFFFFF ) }}
{{ end }}

{{ $msg := sdict "embed" $embed }}
{{ with $config.MentionRole }}
{{ $msg.Set "content" ( printf "<@&%d>" . ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $config.SuggestionsOpen }}
{{ $msg.Set "buttons" ( cbutton "label" "Suggest a question!" "custom_id" "qotd-suggest" ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $questionMessageID := 0 }}
{{ $trimmedQuestion := $chosenQuestion.Question }}
{{ if gt ( len $trimmedQuestion ) 100 }}
{{ $trimmedQuestion = slice $trimmedQuestion 0 100 }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $config.ForumMode }}
{{ $msg.Del "content" }}
{{ $thread := createForumPost $config.MainChannel $trimmedQuestion ( complexMessage $msg ) }}
{{ $config.Set "ActiveThread" $thread.ID }}
{{ with $config.MentionRole }}
{{ sendMessageNoEscape $thread.ID ( printf "<@&%d>" . ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $qMID := sendMessageNoEscapeRetID $config.MainChannel ( complexMessage $msg ) }}
{{ if $config.UseThreads }}
{{ $thread := createThread $config.MainChannel $qMID $trimmedQuestion }}
{{ $config.Set "ActiveThread" $thread.ID }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $config.Publish }}
{{ publishMessage $config.MainChannel $qMID }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $config.Sticky }}
{{ $newSticky := sdict . }}
{{ $newSticky.Set "Message" $chosenQuestion.Question }}
{{ $newSticky.Set "Color" $msg.embed.color }}
{{ $newSticky.Set "ID" 0 }}
{{ $newSticky.Set "ExpiresAt" currentTime }}
{{ $config.Set "Sticky" $newSticky }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ if and ( or $newQuestion $refreshQueue ) $config.SuggestionsOpen }}
{{ $questions := cslice }}
{{ with $config.QuestionsQueue }}
{{ $questions = . }}
{{ end }}

{{ if $newQuestion }}
{{ $questions = $questions.Append $newQuestion }}
{{ $config.Set "QuestionsQueue" $questions }}
{{ end }}

{{ if $config.QueueChannel }}
{{ $msg := sdict
"title" "Question Queue:"
"color" 5832643 }}
{{ range $i, $q := $questions }}
{{ $msg.Set "description" ( printf "%s\n%d. %s (by <@%d>)" ( or $msg.description "" ) $i $q.Question $q.Author.ID ) }}
{{ end }}

{{ if getMessage $config.QueueChannel ( or $config.QueueMessage 0 ) }}
{{ editMessage $config.QueueChannel $config.QueueMessage ( complexMessageEdit
"embed" ( cembed $msg )
"buttons" ( cbutton "label" "Suggest a question!" "custom_id" "qotd-suggest" ) ) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $config.Set "QueueMessage" ( sendMessageRetID $config.QueueChannel ( complexMessage
"embed" ( cembed $msg )
"buttons" ( cbutton "label" "Suggest a question!" "custom_id" "qotd-suggest" ) ) ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ if and $updateSticky $config.Sticky }}
{{ if gt ( $config.Sticky.ExpiresAt.Sub currentTime | toInt64 ) 0 }}
{{ return }}
{{ end }}

{{ $id := sendMessageRetID ( or $config.ActiveThread $config.MainChannel ) ( cembed "description" $config.Sticky.Message "color" $config.Sticky.Color ) }}
{{ with $config.Sticky.ID }}
{{ deleteMessage ( or $config.ActiveThread $config.MainChannel ) . 0 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $newSticky := sdict $config.Sticky }}
{{ $newSticky.Set "ID" $id }}
{{ $newSticky.Set "ExpiresAt" ( currentTime.Add ( mult .TimeSecond $config.Sticky.Cooldown | toDuration ) ) }}
{{ $config.Set "Sticky" $newSticky }}
{{ end }}

{{ dbSet 0 "qotd-config" $config }}


This custom command was written by @SoggySaussages.